Vulpera Appreciation Thread šŸ¦Š

Whoa. These threads still continue?
I will do my fare share to cull the Vulpera in the War Within. But I will not do as the Vulpera do. Collecting their tales as trophies on their caravans.

Seems that the Alliance and Horde will always be at odds with each other.

You assume hatred. Does the Gardner hate the Weeds when they apply Weed killer that kills it from the roots? or does the Gardner know that Weeds left unchecked will call the other plants of what they are trying to grow or maintain?

Vulpera is just another Horde race. Understanding the Horde and not being naive about them is necessary. For the continued survival of Azeroth and to save the future victims of the Horde. A people known for their atrocities.

Vulpera already keeping tails of Vulpera as trophies on their caravans. Speaks of a barbaric people.

in your example it means you should start with yourself then. as all titan creations are invasive species that donā€™t belong on Azaroth.

Orcs are violent aggressive immigrants that destroyed their own world of Draenor. They have also done provable harm to Azeroth and its people since their mass migration from their doomed world.
Maghar Orcs somehow turned the lush jungles and fertile lands of alternate Draenor into a barren rock.

I expect Horde to ignore all of the Horde atrocities visited on the natives - denizens - citizens of Azeroth.

It is very easy to disprove your point.
The Alliance exist BECAUSE of the Horde. No other force is able to keep Horde atrocities and barbarism in check. As the Night Elves rebuild themselves maybe there could once again be opposition to Horde deforestation of Azeroth.

Vulpera are just another Horde races.
Taken down Horde is what the Alliance does. Temporary peace to replenish - rebuild - rearm. Until the next war. Every War on Azeroth so far has been started by the Horde.

just curios but why the hate posts tough? i kinda want to know why are you making them?
and not from your in game iron dwarf char but from the human actually sitting behind the computer typing these comments. what is do you think you accomplish with these? or are there just troll post to get reaction out of people? Iā€™m genuine curios as i never understood this kind of mindset. so please enlighten me.

I see. You are one of THOSE people. Disagreement is harassment - whatever I disapprove of is ā€œhateā€ types. Correct?

This is a franchise that is almost 20 years. It has old and new players. But fantasy - escapism is something that appeals to many. If not then there would not be so many franchises and intellectual properties of people that want to be entertained.

You mask a lot behind concern trolling.
Another tourist out of place among a fandom where people do get immersed in the lore - fantasy - world as a whole.
Tourists are the odd one out. Not there to enjoy a hobby but almost always there to change it.

Heaven forbid people enjoy content or passionate to whatever degree.
Anyway. The Vulpera fandom are also annoyed by the lack of Lore concerning Vulpera. So perhaps they will not be a forgotten race like the Gnomes have been for so long.

The creative direction has steered away from the WORLD of Warcraft itself.
So Allied Races are now a thing. Now what? What impact if any will they have on the Alliance or Horde or World as a whole? What contributions will they bring?

With Tauren Mages now existing will Baine Bloodhoof remove the Forsaken Mages that used to keep portals open in Thunderbluff?
Just try to come out of the echo chamber every now and then. Difference of opinions are not that scarey.

i think we both have a diffrent definition of disagreement then. as disagreement is more like you not agreeing with something but not right away vindicating for it to be put on the bonfire and saying they all need to die. so if that makes me one of THOSE people i gladly accept. we had in the past enough of those other kind of people so more hate isnā€™t necessary.

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Hate is overrated. Letā€™s all just enjoy what we enjoy!

I hope that in the future, we could get some more lore to some of the other Allied races that donā€™t have a lot of background story yet.

I always believed in a theroy that the vulperas could be a descendent of a Wild God that was shaped like a fox, and that perhaps after the wild god has vanished, it left a part of itself that would be the first generation of Vulperas. Overtime the Vulperas lived, prospered into the Vulperas of today.
But, you donā€™t need to critique me on this, its only a theroy.


It is a good theory
Or the Vulpera could be a natruel native Azerothian Race
I hope we donā€™t find Fox-like Titanforged somewhereā€¦


Robotic Yipping sounds.

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well i wonder if Chris metzan will help expand on the vulpera lore now we know he does play a vulpera dressed as robin hood :slight_smile: we still have that mysterious fox in war of the ancient which could be a easy wild god and ancestor to the current vulpera.

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Disagreement is not harrassment.
But you donā€™t fight it. Some times itā€™s best to just talk to the reader as people like you already have their minds made up before posting anyway.

The Horde are a superpower hostile to the Alliance and itā€™s denizens. The Vulpera joined a Superpower hostile to the Alliance and itā€™s denizens.
Thus how Vulpera are to be treated as a Horde race changes.

The Maghar fled to Azeroth after having their butts kicked by High Exarch Yrel. But are hostile to the Alliance.
Everything is hate this and hate that. People like you find it anywhere and everywhere.

As you can see by the thread. Vulpera players are left to head cannon as Blizzard has not thought any further than introducing a new race to play as.
Hate itself is not a bad thing. Twilight Highlands the Orcs showed a disdain for the Dwarves. This is because Dwarves have a thing for killing Orc. The Wildhammers were handling the Dragonmaw Orcs on their own before Horde reinforcements.

The Draenai were genocided by the Orcs. Blood Elves were treated mean by Garithos and then Garrosh Hellscream.
The living see the Forsaken as Undead abominations no different to the Scourge.
Stop pretending as if there is no place for hate. Seems like ā€œmodernā€ day sensibilities.

Vulperas are only made for be a reagent for luxury cloak for noble elvish ladies

Hurrahā€¦at last!

Fluffageddon noises
:fox_face: :bow_and_arrow:

Vulpera are the result of the Wild God Kiā€™ Tsunii shedding her winter fur.

Disagreement is not harassment indeed but hijacking a topic that is about appreciation vulpera or any other topic when you already made your point of not liking them and keep going about about diffrent way they need to die and need to be culled down is. of course your free to make your own topic of how you dislike certain things and of course your free of placing your own opinion but post after post you post here just just non stop hate. thatā€™s not faction pride that is a unhealthy obsession.

try smile a bit :slight_smile: (this my last post about it and you of course to free to post your own opinion and reply on it but that is all Iā€™m going to say about it as i donā€™t want to hijack this topic myself.)

to stay back on topic i welcome our furry friends :slight_smile:


The Vulpera appreciate Vulpera because few others outside of Vulpera do so.

You keep projecting.

It is Horde population control. Lest they actually over run Azeroth. Itā€™s just business. Keeping the Horde in check is what the Alliance does.
Even though Vulpera launched unprovoked attacks against the Alliance in Voldun during BFA. The Alliance showed restraint and mercy to the Vulpera.
When they chose to join the Horde, all bets are off.

Studying Horde is a good thing. Keeping an eye on the enemy is just prudent.
Ah yes. Hate hate hate everything outside of your echo chamber is hate.
The Maghar are not a threat because the Alliance could just reach out to High Exarch Yrel to kick your butts again.

You canā€™t help yourself. You prove it with each post.

Anyway. There are things Vulpera canā€™t answer. No lore is one thing but why decorate your caravans with fox tails?
Could be a dark secret hiding their savagery.

Hope all fox folks have a great week so far.

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Fox is back from vacation :3
But Fox also needs a second vacation to recover from first vacation.

You complain about keeping dying threads alive. But had to post 28 days later.

@Vulpera players: Has the Vulpera done anything in The War Within?