Kinda like the goblin neutral ah in booty bay I guess that they would trade to the highest bidder. Goblin do it for greed and foxes could trade for supplies I guess, they are desert nomads
By saying Vulpera being a neutral faction i didn’t literally mean make a third neutral faction <.<… I was more in line with making them the same as Pandaren are currently… Where a Vulpera could choose the Alliance or the horde…
HOWEVER! >:c 3 Factions have worked before… We see this in the Elder scrolls online MMO game where there are 3 factions… All 3 are at war with each other. But each can play all pve content with each other regardless… Its only when PVP comes into play that factions matter. Like when you do BGS and Arena and such.
It would be the same in wow… In PVE we all come together and work together to defeat the big bad anyway… But we still have our pvp conflicts between us.
It doesn’t have to be such a mind bender of a concept. WoW already does it to some extent.
Oh three factions absolutely work, there’s numerous games in the past that have done this.
I wanted to raise the point from Lore, that I see an issue with Vulpera siding with the Alliance as well because of the World Quest where they got bombed.
But If we look at the Kul Tiras Vulperans, I suppose it could work.
Then again, those are pirates and not…per say aligned with the Alliance.
However, if tied in with the other thread I had going regarding the faction barriers, we could draw it even further, and make every race available to every faction.
But that would require the completely abolisment of Horde and Alliance, and migrate more towards as Kalimdor vs Eastern Kingdoms approach and a plot that would bring everyone together against “something”.
E.g we’d end up more with a common enemy like in FFXIV, where you’d be part of a region/kingdom/faction/organization of choosing and let the story be told from there.
But not sure Blizzard is willing to take that approach.
Furries with bad racials. No need.
We have got allot to work with first of all… Yes the only vulpera we have seen have been Kul’tiran pirates so far… However.
They show that Vulpera unlike most Zandalari in Vol’dun have known or are able to ways to make it off the Zuldazar island… Unlike their troll counter parts who are condemened to die there. Vulpera have their ways to escape the dunes and join the rest of the world and have been for years.
Blizzard can make and do any and all lore with this alone if they see fit. Easily… While current lore has us all who left the dunes being pirates. Blizzard can if they they want it so… Make us not be.
The Pandaren has two faction leaders of the Pandaren. Aysa and Ji firepaw.
Blizzard could easily if they wanted too make Kiro the horde leader. And X an Alliance leader if they wanted it.
Its all about if players and blizzard are willing.
But I can see a future where Vulpera are an Alliance race too…
Although all the horde haters we had in the past. Would suddenly cry about stolen horde race all of sudden if it where to happen. Same as they did the blood elves.
I only play alliance so it’s be nice if we had a Vulpera off-breed , maybe a cuter version
Not hairy enough
Aye, height is similar and the rest is opinional
hell yeah, foxos :3
I just posted, to say…UWU… Vulpera Nation Arise!
What are we arising against?
Brontosaurus scams by greedy companies?
…except the Baller Brutosaur (come to Daddy!)…put it on your Santa List, for contributions.
Perra perra perra perra MUSHROOM MUSHROOM! Perra perra perra! MUCH MUSHROOM!
Sethrak sethrak!! snake!! there’s a snake!!
i love my vulp
Mandatory Vulpera Yipping
Few more days and I can play my goober again
Id love to play my Vulpera but at the level of content I do it would be inting my guild if I did. Vulpera need to be buffed BEYOND what was suggested, their racial for DPS is absolute dog and there is 0 point in playing one.
Red hats.
Hats, that are red.
You need a red hat, yes.
Blue ones are clearly better