Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

walks in on the tip of toes, comes close to a random vulpera’s nose, farts silently and runs away with family guy giggling

I do not really think that lore-wise they can justify giving Sethrak to the Alliance (if I remember right the current Chronicles point towards this being the case).

They are allied with the Vulpera, and on top of that they are Loa worshippers, which I do not think would go down well in a band of races who worship Elune and the Light.

If they ever make Sethrak playable they will be Horde.

Alliance could maybe get another gnome race.


Also, my heart grows seeing that this thread never dies

Good points actually.
If anything, the Alliance can have those stick people from their bfa island.

But the Botani from WoD actually would make sense in the Alliance
Nature and all, they would be buddy buddy with the druids and Night Elves and that follower in the Garrison is a nice tie to them; the Horde mass lumbering angered that handfull that escaped when the Mag’har arrived and joined the Alliance for protection and shared interest
Or the Saberon
Buff kittycats for the Alliance!

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… and then suddenly Alliance gets Wolvar as playable race because some ppl among Alliance wanted Vulpera.
So they will get budget Vulpera instead XD

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I appreciate vulpies, good meat !

Take care folks ! :slight_smile:


signed an Orc

Vulpera are the best friends possible.

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Blood and thunder, fellow Horde Warrior!

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This text is lore accurate for a vulpera, because vulpera are very small and therefore any writings they make would also be very small.

The logic is flawless :dracthyr_a1:

“I speak softly, but I carry a big axe.”


big things in a tiny package!

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As a fellow fur-covered person, I approve of this message!

I’d vote for a Warchief Vulpera, and witness chaos.

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Imagine the hate on a race that is so great as Vulpera are.

And yet we’re still around and thriving :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I wager Vulpera are among the best races we have truly.

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