Vulpera Appreciation Thread 🦊

Yah. We already having talking wolves, pandas, cows and bears (Dwarves), one more animal can’t hurt.

You got any to spare? I’ll give you 30 gold each for them.

I mean… Not to sound like a team traitor here but… :sweat_smile: I don’t want what asmongold said about the game being a furry similulator to become true… There should be a balance to the races that are added…

I don’t want wow to be a majority furry races game <.<… But then again… Just how many variations of humans and elves can you really make? How creative can you really get with that :man_facepalming: Its so much easier with anthropomorphic characters.

This could make its own thread actually ‘‘If you wanted to create the next new wow allied race. Excluding anthropomorphic characters. What would you make?’’

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Elves - various kind - , humans, dwarves, gnomes, goblins, trolls, orcs… and basically thats it, in a fantasy setting, the anthropomorphic characters are majority
Just see the new Earthen race, WoW already bending things as much as humanly possible, but Azeroth is populated with mostly humanoid anthropomorphic races

WoW is not fury-simulator - tho’ whatever that means is a mistery - considering those who yell at the clouds shaking their fist creaming their loungs out “FURY!!!” don’t even know what the fury fandom is… and confusing fury with anthropomorphic characters

Even if they would add Saberon, Botani, Gnoll, even that would be “normal” in a setting where humans and humanoids are a tiny portion of the population of the world

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And you are right of course but… they wont care about that… These haters are counting. Antromorhpic characters versus humanoids.

If they are going to add more antromorphic characters… then I suggest they start adding the ones they want. Like yes saberon… Tuskar? etc.

Also you forgot a spelling mistake >< i dont wanna call you out but. :dracthyr_nervous_animated: Not to be a douche bag or anything.


Don’t worry about it :fox_face:


I am sorry xD okey then. Hands of the keyboard I thought… Never mind.


Oi, Im a gnome and I look great :smiley:

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There are more Elf races then Azeroth races combined. XD

Demographically speaking?
I’m not that sure :thinking:

The Great Sundering did a dirty on the number of the Kaldroei, then they not exactly multiplied like rabits, since most of the males went in to hibernation :roll_eyes:
BUT even the survivors portion then were exiled, who became the High Elves, who in turn got decimated by the Undead
A chunk of those now Blood Elves remained a handfull of Quel’dorei
Then a chunk of the Sin’dorei went (insane) with Kael’thas to Draenor and died left and right
THEN a chunk of those survivors became the Ren’dorei
The Shal’dorei have a Suramar worth of population
BUT all of the Elves - or at least what remained of them - went thrugh in the past five decades several end of the world scenarios and constant wars…
I’m not sure the Elven races combined have a six digit population, not even five to be honest… :eyes:

You forgot all the Troll tribes!

They’re like…proto-elves…

Well counting them in to the Elven numbers would be like counting the Refti as not-flesh cursed Sethrak…

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Is it that surprising? Elves and trolls are literally the humans of azeroth.


No no no
They are sponges
Absorbing any kind of energy or radiation from any source they are standing next and ends up mutated in to a different kind of Elves
I think from whatever proto-Troll/Titan-forged that later Flesh-cursed to be a proto-Troll start the end of the “evolutionary” line is either the Ren’dorei or the (totally not Drider) Fal’dorei at the moment :thinking:

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The vulpera /sleep and /stand animation is the cutest thing ive ever seen in this game




Imagine a Blood Elve riding a night elve

Imagine a Night elf riding a Troll

Imagine an Human Riding a champanzee

Vulperas are a joke

Said Anzhela proud of her big brain as she trotted of on her racial chicken mount.

I almost choaked on my breakfast…

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Imagine an Orc riding a Gronn (Gorestrider Gronnling for example)
(And if you “conveniently forgot” their evoultionary line: Grond → Colossals → Magnaron → Gronn → Ogron → Ogre → Orc )

We see that every time a Night Elf or a Troll druid takes a mount form

While not a chimpanzee, Yeti I think we safely can count, since they are like Bigfoot, Sasquatch or any similar cryptid are belong to the same “cryptid family” the Gigantopithecus and of course in Battle for Azeroth humans rode Grong

But I would argue about this part of your argument, since in WoW the Humans are not from apes via evolution, but mechanical constructs, the Iron Vyrkul by curse of Flesh
And humans are more than willing to rode any mechanical construct or elemental that could be considered their “ancestors”

Then again, the Vulpera are not evolved Foxes, so riding a similar species is not really a “crime” (if it is, then condemn any Highmountain Tauren riding a Moose or Dwarf riding an elemental), they are from either a Fox Ancient, but seeing how basically every races on Azeroth is one form or fashion descended from a second generation of Titan-forged servant species? That is a strong possibility too
Like the Drogbar, failed “Titanic creations” are most likely/probably the Troll ancestors (just see how similar are the dire trolls to the drogbar…) and Refti are most likely the Sethrak ancestors I have the suspicion somewhere along the line there are vulpera-like/“anthropomorphic fox like” metal or stone second generartion Titan-forged :roll_eyes:
I would prefer the Fox Ancient to be honest and be really the children of Azeroth, unlike all the other invaders, but who know…

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What about a full size pvp raid of vulpera on Stormwind :thinking: now that would be an spectacle.