Vulpera Hype!

Four so far…

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Off topic, but how does a Lightforged Draenei death knight work exactly? :thinking:

Hi I can dps them with you np… only pain in the behind is the one where you need to jump across - Blackfathom Deeps as I have to jump them one by one haha

Hali will tank if you’d like to heal?

It was never explained unfortunately. However, I have two theories about what happens:

  1. Once a Lightforged Draenei is raised, the Light leaves their body and they become just a regular Draenei Death Knight.

  2. The Light remains infused in the Lightforged Draenei even after the raising, hence causing the Draenei to experience eternal agony, as the Light and undeath don’t go very well together.

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Finally there! My wagon got stuck, so my arrival was a bit delayed… cough

Now, off to countless adventures!


You might want to read up on your lore. You mean -Orcs- if you’re talking original Horde, I mean Forsaken didn’t even -exist- back then.

Thankfully, the Horde is actually more like a Horde these days, than a generic set of green skinned BDSM enthusiasts…

I mean…suggesting otherwise, is treasonous to the very ideals of the Horde… You may find the Alliance more fitting.

Two things. Firstly, I’m -pretty- certain that the Alliance, well, Humans certainly, frown upon eating sentient creatures.

Secondly, Fox Hunting was once described by Oscar Wilde as “The Unspeakable in pursuit of the Uneatable!”

Foxes do not taste good…

If only these fair-weather Horde would go to Classic and leave people who actually understand what the Horde is, that would be brilliant.

Umm, History is written by the winners. Sylvanas quite publicly betrayed the Horde, and…she doesn’t still Live. That ship sailed when Arthas invaded Quel’thalas…

Vulpera fit the Horde motif perfectly, If you understand what the Horde is.


They are so haawt, gotta find a vulpera lady and make some cute foxlings…or whatever :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hyyyyyyype. Loving vulpera


Its going to be a long trip to heritage armour.

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I’m gonna pinch all of you


Ye ye…one word for you - Thrall. Thrall created the (new) Horde. Of course I am not supporting demonic corrupted Horde. That is like saying I should support someone who is not in control of himself. Pft, gee wheez!

Thrall now stands on the bridge, overlooking Grommash Hold, thinking what kind of childish atrocity the Horde has become and doubting himself if he should have ever pursuit Sylvanas as a Horde villain. He is becoming depressed by slowly realizing that Saurfank was just a whiny traitor with no honor.

Thrall will wake up just like he did during Cataclysm and put Vulperas and other weak creatures to mop streets and sell fruits for first class citizens of Orgrimmar!

Victory or death, m8. Not bananas or oranges.

They are cute :heart_eyes:


That is a great screenshot Ãnna! (thanks for the assist Sinaaki :P)

We are glad to see so much love for our new friends. :slight_smile:


Aw ty she/he posted it for me because my trust level isn’t high enough… I have made 3 teams of them so far…

Send help! I cannot stop myself haha


Unlocked Vulpera yesterday but haven’t made one yet. Looking at the middle one on Ãnna’s screenshot - it’s so adorable! Snow fox is my favourite! Now I’m desperate for work to be over so I can make myself a wee fox friend! :fox_face:


Snowfox is my fave out of them all :slight_smile:

I didn’t think I would play them… but now they are my fave race :fox_face: :purple_heart:


Same here, and they can roll-jump just like night elves :heart_eyes:


I love their voices and the dances for both sexes are great :slight_smile:

Just be sure to get your

It completes them :slight_smile:


Does look good with them indeed!


Eh, doing an experiment to see how much money I can save by not transmogrifying till 120, so not much to look at. Seems to be quite profitable so far.

Oh no. I can’t join your amazing guild, really? That is so sad. This just ruined my day, I don’t know what to do now.