Vulpera is a disrespect to the Warcraft world

Port of Zem’Lan would like to have a word with you.


You know, the oldest mention of magic and “demons” are from the Desert… in the form of the Djinn but still; evil spirits of the desert and the desert mystics are pretty old and not unheard of

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Vulpera are in-tune with the elements because they need to understand the land and the environment in order to survive.


Whawt did uwu juwst say abouwt me, uwu smewwy wiw wotbag? i’ww have uwu know i gwaduated top of my cwass in the vow’dun desewt academy, awnd i’ve bewn invowved in numewous secwet waids own awwiance encampments aww ovew the wowwd awnd i have ovew 300 confiwmed kiwws! i am twained in gowiwwa wawfawe awnd i’m the top kiwwew in the entiwe vuwpewan desewt cowps! uwu awe nothing tuwu me but juwst anothew tawget! :gun: :fox_face: :hocho:


I think the poor Sin’dorei girl had a stroke…



That was painful to read.


Maybe I had one too many Vol’dunshine on my visit there.


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Thats very simple:

The Azeroth is the pure one, without the ratchet and clank crowd.
Azeroth is the “fake one”.

His guild is something like Flat earth people:D

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unsure what you are getting at here.

Levelling one just now. love’em!!


I never had much of an issue with Night Elves being Alliance and Forsaken being Horde, it actually made solid sense.

In John Staat’s (original Vanilla developer) WoW Diary, he mentions the intention was to give Goblins to Horde and Pandaren to Alliance, Ogres were also considered somewhere. But they wanted to give playable Night Elves and Undead so all 4 playable factions of Warcraft 3 were represented for the fans.

It’s a very flimsy allegience for Forsaken and Night Elves, but they probably have more in common with their respective factions than Great Britain and China or Germany and Japan did in WW2.

Personally, I would have have preferred a third faction with Blood Elves, Naga, Broken Draenei and Forsaken. But the ship has sailed for that idea…


We the new Horde now, you zombies had your time!


Vulpera don’t just hoard trinkets they also collect knowledge. And if you played the Vulpera questline to join the horde you would know that Vulpera are very intelligent and are able to form complex plans.


Vulpera actually make sense for the original spirit of the Horde, the Horde of pre-TBC.

In the lore they align very well with the faction, but its the players that make it a stereotype for the lols or on purpose (sadly).


Strangely enough - or not that much actually - not the Vulpera palyers, but the others who suddenly forgot, the Tauren were the original furries and nobody mocked the peacfull native american vibed bulls…


Not only the players, but the story director whom conveniently ignores WC3…

That too. For some reason they ignore that Tauren exist…

Say the time and I’ll be there

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Rich coming from a Forsaken. You’d think the Forsaken would understand the Horde is all about acceptance of all kinds of vagrants and strangers. Hell, the Forsaken aren’t even loyal to the Horde, we all know it, and we still accept you. You should extend that hand to the vulpera.


Since vanilla I always thought the forsaken were a race of “out-of-nowhere” in the Horde.
But the Horde goes with the motto of accepting anyone regardless of background as long they are loyal to the Horde. But according to the loyalist campaign most of them arent.

As a loyalist you can even interact with the forsaken NPCs in OG and they say something among the lines of “psst…We are still loyal to Sylvanas after she said that the Horde is nothing.”.

