Is this a funny joke that I’m not getting? Turning WM OFF since there is no reason now to keep it on TY.
Weapon for Surviving hunters while I’m playing on BM. Nice…
You cannot grind more then 500 cp per week, the bar greys out and prevent further progress after your first reward
Edit: so as an solo PvP player, there isent really any motivation to play pvp after the first 2-3 days after weekly reset…
Not quite true actually. Well, I started BfA in end of Sept to start of October, and I believe Blizz had some sort of catch up in play, if not a bug.
On all four of my 120s, I could keep grinding CP past the 500 limit. Some weeks I got 2 items and had started into another bar of CP
A friend of mine could do exactly the same. On her main which she started at start of BfA, grey bar. On her alt which she started well after the beginning of xpac, the multi grind.
Now in season 2, all my guys have the grey bar of wtf. So ofc I made the post based on my experience. I have three other characters I am levelling, all under 110 so will see if same holds true later.
And btw the way the motivation ‘could’ be the fun of playing PVP. If you are CP focussed then no, I guess not. Different people play for different reasons
Have a job IRL and the 500 CP bar gets hard to fill in 7 days lmao.
Guess it all depends on free time out of work? I run my own business, so am a busy guy, but have no obligations in my free time, other than the very understating GF
But then, I pretty much only do PVP stuff so game time is maximised for CP gains.
You can grind like 350 cp on the first evening of weekly reset as an solo pvper I have fulltime work, family and 6 weekly workout passes per week… if I can do it, it should be possible for almost all
first brawl of the week gives around 100 cp because of the something new quest + 65 from epic bg + 40 from normal bg + 15 from skirmish + 60 from invasions + 50 from secret chest + 50 from the 10 player kill quest…
What Kalkrox also writes. The first day after this week’s reset I farmed 305 CQs. Thursday night I hit the 500 CQs as solo pvper. Absolutely possible.
BG: 40
Epic BG: 65
Brawl: 40
Brawl - bonus reward: 50
Assault: 60
Assault - secret supply chest: 50
Total 305
BG: 40
Epic BG: 65
Brawl: 40
Assault: 60
Assault - secret supply chest: 50
Total 255
I haven’t mentioned the “kill 10 players” quest as I usually don’t focus this one.
Wednesday: At work 14 hours
Thursday: At work 14 hours
Friday: At work 14 hours
Saturday: Did accumulated emissary quests. Joined 1 brawl. AFKed out. Havent seen an assault yet.
Sunday: lets hope i get something done
Monday: 14 hours at work
Tuesday: 14 hours at work
Wednesday: 14 hours at work
CQ bar still at shining 0
Just team up with the rest of the regulars in here and youre guaranteed a loss and a lot of fun.
Pro-tip: merc and join an epic with ally. Ally has the fore-hand in epics due to the mechanics in those BGs.
[edit] I see you’re already ally.
If you do work 84 hours a week, I’m not sure that you can expect to get much done in game, to be honest, whatever activities you pursue.
All you can do is try your best mate.
Hope you get some home/life balance in with all that work, 84 hours is ‘a lot’
Its just the days from last wednesday to next… next free days are thursday, friday, saturday, sunday… Wow week is different from working week Just awful this wow week for me.
That’s about all they can do tho, theyre not the managers of said devs so its not like they can force their hands
Apparently the developers are adamant that people dont understand pvp vendors even tho we’ve been using them for every expansion (yes I’m counting the transmog vendor from Legion because it was a PvP currency spent at a vendor with items exclusively available through BGs or PvP-marked WQs)
Yes I know I’m not blaming the CMs neither the actual developers, I blame the designers (called devs all around but they’re not developers per se) and the people behind the decisions leading to such poor design.
I mean Ion is responsible for all the mess we have since roughly WoD in terms of classes / character progression and customization but the dude can only come up with designs that fit what he’s asked to do (in this case, I guess keep people logging in everyday instead of a couple of times a week to fill in the week “tasks”)
I can say with certainty, by the time I could get my first 400+ item via CP, I will already have nearly a full set, and likely 400+ ilvl, just casually running m+ dungeons.
15 ilvls is not insignificant.
We must make the game more accessible to people who can only play 5 minutes a month damnit
Monthly ilvl 400 in the mailbox for everyone when?
the conquest bar system is still a **** system. Let me target a specific item.
Its not about giving free stuff to everyone. This current system is very luck based, especially for pvp.
This is my oldest BFA character. The character ive spend the most time on. My 4 other 120’s are all better geared for a fraction of the effort. They all have relatively better trait combos.
The 400+ items i did get where all belts,
Its a 100% role of the dice.
I agree so much if you wouldve told me this in a bar I wouldve bought you a drink
There’s Just a limit to how high ones expectation should be, if youre working 14 hours a day the problem isnt that the game is too grindy, the problem is that youre working 14 hours a day
True, its part set-in-stone progression along with weekly chest random was and Both systems individually wouldnt feel good to be a part of but together like it is now makes it worse then doubly worse
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