War Mode WPvP Survey - Lag + Tech Support

It is a pity that Blizzard does not want or can not fix lags, and release low-quality content. I also think they are specifically silent about the problem. Sharding, Phasing its a problem too, for WPvP.

Have you completed the tech support steps?

After reading the survey, it’s clear that people don’t actually do WPvP so I wouldn’t even take this remotely serious.

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No one seems interested in lag survey, but previous survey on WM activity shows a high % of WM forum community are interested in WPvP versus PvE.

I don’t know if you’re tryna miss the point on purpose or what, butt I’ve seen this from you time & time again. The problem is that sharding has messed up WPvP in general LFG ruins shardingg because you make 1 lfg group fill it up boom shard is full.

I just wish people would realise and actually use their voice to complain about such things in a constructive manner instead of being dip shiits.

Your point was this…

I responded with this…

How is that missing the point you made?

WoW the denial that raid vs raid is causing laggs is still being kept up. Weird how it only happens when the lFG groups are created?! But I guess we all havr ubbisch conenctions, yes we all have dial up internet and you’re the only one with fiber. When Bliz atleast acknowledged the problem and you still try to blame the users (us) for it. No tehy need to find a fix for the WM lag, during the Darkshore WM I never experienced this lag. Currently? Every time a battle is up I get atleast a 2 a 3 sec delay on instants.

My guess LFG/sharding and that everybody uses a damned bodyguard effectivly doubling the amount of actions teh server has to compute. Or simply old and outdated servers and they need to upgrade or replace them.

What denial? You shouldn’t copy paste responses lol.

Sounds pretty bad for those affected, glad I don’t have the issue.

Hopefully we’ll get some more responses in the survey, could help shed some light.

I can’t say I believe you when you say you “aren’t affected” by the delay, you ain’t no special snowflake the delay is server wide.

Stop being a moron dude it’s getting beyond a joke and very boring to be quite frank with you.

When I notice it I ain’t the only one by far. I see several going in /1 immetdiatly go “Oh world boss pulled”, “oh a raid or more spawned in” and “oh battle is starting”. If I lagged I wouldn’t be able to walk, it’s just the spells that take 2 a 3 sec to activate. Could walk once but loot lagged for 8 seconds, must have been my constant connection of 8 or 9 MS to the server, it’s clearly super ancient and slow. I’m not even on (glass) fibre thus could put it down to 1MS if I had access to it.

Even Blizzard acknowledged there is a problem between server lag and LFG raid groups sharding/phasing in. Because if the battle is over and people leave it’s immetdiatly over. I can be in an area all alone and still get the lag when it happens.

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Believe what you want. Not everyone is affected by unplayable lag.

I’m 3000+ miles from the server and have 140 ms to 230 ms, not a good connection. Yet I have no 2, 3 or 8 second delays in casting, looting, etc., at exact same time others are complaining of lag in zone chat. Why?

In this post on server lag, there’s a mix of players saying they get lag and others not. If everyone was affected by unplayable lag… the forum would be absolutely flooded with complaints, every post would be about lag. It’s not. It’s the few that come here to complain.

People are ofc more likely to post on forum saying they get lag, than to come to forum and post that they don’t get lag.

You are not interested in discussion, if it’s so boring… why reply?

I didn’t know Blizz said that, can you link to the blue post?

I can see why excessive activity might cause server lag, but it doesn’t affect everyone the same. I’m interested in why… what would cause some to be affected and others not?

Here i’ve got a better idea dude, go to naz battle when its completely full at peaks time record it of your gameplay and show me some proof.

If you’re lying then you prolly won’t show if you show the truth will come out :slight_smile:

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Like I said, I’m 3000 miles away. Different time zone and I will not be on WoW at peak time. Earliest I will be on is 12 am realm time.

However, next time there are players complaining of lag in zone chat, I’ll record the time before during and after. There will be no 8 seconds looting, etc.

Funny that you are bored of the convo yet keep it going.

Your survey is pretty much useless. The server lag happens at any time of the day when there are around 20vs20 in a zone.

Not according to Tzuyuqt, since they asked me to test at peak time when lots in zone.

I am almost certain that you are trolling at this stage.

There was a tech support post, where the blue was able to identify a cause for lag at the complainers end.

Therefore, it’s worth trying support… but more likely to get response from Blizz support than tech support forum. They don’t seem to respond to duplicate posts.

What’s trolling about stating that? Does it not make sense to eliminate issues at our end?

Imo, it’s trolling to complain about lag, blame Blizz for all lag, but not give them opportunity to see if they can fix it for you.

No doubt some lag when in Naz and very busy. I’ve experienced it once, but was brief and not unplayable. So, there’s more to this.

There is not more to this, the lag is server side and not on the users end.

Well, what did Blizz support say when you opened a ticket? They can confirm it’s their end or your end, or in between possibly.

For example in that blue post I linked, it was “You are losing data right when you connect to your router.”

That’s not necessarily a Blizz issue.

Edit: Support Response to Devinee

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