Warbands Error

I log into my main character
I did on my main character the warbands chain quests.

Now all my characters got this info

The bank is being used by another member of you Warband


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As other threads have noted, warbanks are currently disabled.

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Maybe do some research before you come here raging.


Maybe they do proper messages in the game or in the battle net
(and they can pinned that message on forum)

Original post
Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Maybe display the correct error message to avoid confusion :thinking:

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Yeah, maybe if the message in game actually said “Warbands are currently disabled” people would’nt come here posting so much. The current message is very misleading.


People don’t read the pins, or the articles on the various wow sites or twitter :stuck_out_tongue:

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