Warcraft Memes/Gifs #2 šŸ¤£

Not sure how thatā€™s a meme tbh. Then again, I guess twitch and asmon are memes justā€¦ not warcraft memes.

Not to mention if you add up Limits team streams it adds up to 127.4k. 20k more than Asmon, and thatā€™s not even 20 people.

Are you going to add up the viewership of ever member of limit? There is a huge amount choice when it comes to what PoV you want to see.

Iā€™m not trying to downplay Asmonā€™s popularity in any way but itā€™s hardly fair when on raid teamā€™s viewership is split so much.

I was curious and went and looked:-

The race is big news atm. Itā€™s bound to garner a lot of interest. Btw ignore all the other listed channels it was just Asmon and Limit Max I was comparing xD

As a fellow gender expert i was hoping for some professional leniency from you, pickpawā€¦
I guess its too much of me to expect you would not be so judgemental of my unique meme taste.
High five if you understand that i am kidding and its harmless

In all seriousness i feel it is fair to compare 1 channel to the main channel with the biggest bulk of viewers. May be total limits viewers on all channels exceed 1 mans, casual WoW player stream.

I am casual, represent the old wow ageing audience and i would prefer game developers would drop larping these cringe esport death throws, which are losing in views to 1 loud dood and started discussion with my 30+ age group on what we want to see in game.

Not asmon 14 year old viewers who want to watch him scream some filth, duck in hand , not limits 22 year old viewers, prepared to dodge every one of billion swirleys and beams from mythic raid but my age group for realā€¦

Where is my chill story driven content with wow flavour?

As the race hots up it may equal Asmonā€™s viewership, time will tell. I donā€™t think it matters either way. Max does seem to have the highest viewership of his team, which make sense considering his role.

I said once before in another discussion that I think Asmongold could stream himself playing tiddlywinks and heā€™d still get huge viewership. Heā€™s just a really popular guy with his fanbase and they love to watch him.

As you say best of luck to them.

Still want to see a stream of the actual dev to casual fans round table. Not raiders or influencers but average John and Johanna from azeroth telling ion their take on what part of the game they actually have spent most hours in the last 3 expacs and how did it feel.



Blizz doing our work for us

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Are you crazy what if mid flight the game disconnects and when you relog youā€™re no longer on taxi and just fall off?


It would be a risk Iā€™m willing to take!!

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One of my biggest tbc spooks right here

I miss Magni

And this is pure gold

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How did they butcher my priestess in that pictureā€¦
But hey we will get there, baby steps, one forsaken at a time


Itā€™s taken from the cinematic with the showdown with Sylvanas I imagine.

But its like one of her worst pictures which does do her justice.