Warcraft PVP is in the gutter

I would stop at this point,you are shoveling your owm mmr hell grave there. Take a break for today calm down reflect on the games from all perspectives.
The Problem is you lose more MMR than Cr therefore you build up a huge Gap you need to later overcome. May i ask what your stats are at the moment not just this week but overall How much wins how much lost games i mean.

So my weekly stats are played 19 lost 5. I get i may be bad, but laws of average seem very skewed. 97 for 38 wins for the season. I have been playing pvp for 20 years and never felt so sad about the state of the game.

No,just stop this. Selfreflecting is one thing thats healthy but putting the entire blame in a 8v8 modus on yourself is simply wrong. You said you are Top heal meaning you at least do that right.
Did your Teams communicate at all? Did they make calls who goes where at the start? I noticed that the Team that doesnt say anything at all and just go in cold turkey will most likely lose.
The Problem about Blitz is one thing they put in reward/rating oriented Players in with all kinds of other players. There is quite a lot of them that just spam queue this bracket because all other ones are unplayable they dont really care about pushing rating but just playing. They do not care about their own mmr/cr nor do they care about yours/their Mates one. That indeed is a problem.

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I have like 10 games and 1 win in epic bgs. And like 1 win in random bgs. I cba getting 10% wr to be farmed by premades. Go play a real pvp game guys let it die.

Gave it another go tonight, lost the first 5 games quite badly and now im down to around 1500 from 1690. finally won a game and my rating remained unchanged. Now thats a kick in the privates.

Unfortunally you are losing/lost too much games in a row so yes that 1 win will have your rating unchanged,the next one might too or will just give you a few points and depending on how bad it is maybe another round. After that it should go up again. If you dont lose in between that is.
Do you stream or do you record those games perhaps?