Warcraft reforged beta invite - is it legit?

Yes keep on giving invites, to people who haven’t played WoW for 15 years, or WC1/WC2/WC3 like i did, clever. BS

Speak for yourself, I have played WoW for 15 years and played WC1, 2 and 3 and I have got the Beta. Have you even tried seeing if it is in the launcher and did you buy the deluxe edition?

My only issue is that I always used to suck at the ladder PvP bit and that is all that’s available at the moment


Hey Aeryth, question for you.

I never received any email from Blizzard that i got beta invitation but there is an option to install the beta on my battle.net app, does that mean i got chosen or everyone gets to see that “install beta” button but is unable to login if they are not “selected”?

I do not see Install beta, so I’d say you got in.

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P.S. I thought MVPs were guaranteed to get alpha/beta testing, no? Or is it just for WoW specifically?

That is a myth, one I wish were true, but sadly it’s not. :rofl:

I believe many years ago MvPs may have received all sorts but it’s not like that now.

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