Warcraft Short Story: "The Calling"

I haven’t read it yet. What’s terrible? What happened to Golden or the story?

I think the previous story I just read the wowhead TLDR.

I haven’t looked if they did one for this.

And golden got laid off. She no longer writes for Blizz… This is probably the last story of hers you’ll read I think.


I don’t get much time to play any more so really enjoy reading these short stories to immerse myself again! Getting more into the lore that way than I have before and have bought some books to catch up. Hope Anduin finds the Light again! Wish he could have taken Fox with him though … :fox_face:

Anduin Wrynn looking pathetic af

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Man that’s a really crappy drawing of Anduin. Can you maybe use the same artist that drew him in the cinematic?

He looks like Anduin from wish

Neanderthal Anduin. Neanduin.


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