Warlock looking for casual raiding / m+ guild

Coming back to the game after a few months break and I’m looking for a new home to raid and do m+ with, now and into the next expansion

9/10 Castle Heroic, 10/10 SoD heroic and 5/11 Septular Heroic this tier.

The Rapscallions would love to have you. We are a 2 day week guild that focus on hc and mythic. we run m+ everyday and have a verry active discord with daily banter.

Feel free to contact me on discord Elisabetbam#1790

Take a look at our post and see if you like us :slight_smile: Currently doing normal fated raids for the Slime Cat mount and we’re all doing keys on the regular https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/en/wow/t/h-draenor-nascent-new-guild-recruiting/371776

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