Melee’s have waaaaaaay way way too many stuns and interrupts and spell reflects and sprint and its just terrible… I dont know who designed the pvp aspect of the game this expansion but they’ve done a horrible job. I really don’t think there is a worse class to play in arena atm than a warlock. You’re always the target and all the melees will just throw every stun and interrupt and micro cc and nasty thing they have on you and you are essentially a target dummy cant get a single cast
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I have 2 warlocks in shuffle at 2100 mmr with all three specs and 2200 mmr in regular 3s on aff
its very unfun to play against melees in shuffle(because its uncoordinated bracket and melees are very disruptive), but overall is pretty doable
I pay much attention to proper positioning and when i do well its very rewarding
things are better at regular 3s because your teammates can peel for you
but still i’d like to have some QoL changes against all those disruption