Currently it's just a 'free' 10% boost to horde players. Fact or fiction, the perception is there. The imbalance will just become more acute if something is not done. The solution has to be rather brutal, like a steep increase when a continent is more than 60/40 out of wack. Currently I reckon its 80/20 in favour of horde, so an increase to damage by 100% with 100% health for alliance players (versus players only) would do the trick. The buff needs to be dynamic but nonetheless brutal like a said.
I discussed this with guildies prior to launch and what we agreed would happen has happened, so why Blizz didn't see this coming, god only knows. A solution should have been in place.
Will of the Forsaken, that is all.
In vanilla, people chose horde because it had clearly superior PVP (and to some extent PvE) racials. Players wanted every advantage and rolled the faction that gave them that advantage.
By the time Blizz decided to fix it, the damage was done, people had committed to their characters, invested time and emotional attachment. Achies just made that worse. All the PVPers were on one faction/servers, why change?
In vanilla, people chose horde because it had clearly superior PVP (and to some extent PvE) racials. Players wanted every advantage and rolled the faction that gave them that advantage.
By the time Blizz decided to fix it, the damage was done, people had committed to their characters, invested time and emotional attachment. Achies just made that worse. All the PVPers were on one faction/servers, why change?
19/08/2018 17:07Posted by SlackaliceCurrently it's just a 'free' 10% boost to horde players. Fact or fiction, the perception is there. The imbalance will just become more acute if something is not done. The solution has to be rather brutal, like a steep increase when a continent is more than 60/40 out of wack. Currently I reckon its 80/20 in favour of horde, so an increase to damage by 100% with 100% health for alliance players (versus players only) would do the trick. The buff needs to be dynamic but nonetheless brutal like a said.
I discussed this with guildies prior to launch and what we agreed would happen has happened, so why Blizz didn't see this coming, god only knows. A solution should have been in place.
As wintergrasp proved, this doesn't work, you can make a player a raid boss, but he only has one stun cooldown while the 10 people attacking him have 10 cooldowns.
19/08/2018 17:07Posted by SlackaliceCurrently it's just a 'free' 10% boost to horde players. Fact or fiction, the perception is there. The imbalance will just become more acute if something is not done. The solution has to be rather brutal, like a steep increase when a continent is more than 60/40 out of wack. Currently I reckon its 80/20 in favour of horde, so an increase to damage by 100% with 100% health for alliance players (versus players only) would do the trick. The buff needs to be dynamic but nonetheless brutal like a said.
I discussed this with guildies prior to launch and what we agreed would happen has happened, so why Blizz didn't see this coming, god only knows. A solution should have been in place.
This is true right here
I have a Horde and Alliance I'm levelling 110+ and whilst my alliance always bumps into horde I've literally never seen an alliance player on my horde character
The game is good as it is and I think your solutions are all too heavy in terms of impact to the game - here in germany / eu we already have the state where wq are nearly undoable as alliance with warmode on - you constantly have to wait and sneak peak somewhere to get ur stuff done which is a horrible state of the game.
The basic idea of warmode is really cool and I would love to see even more incentives which are equal for both sides.
The problem with faction balance should not be a content / function change in the current game - it should be a technical solution. I'm not a coder by myself or deep into data center / cloud computing / gaming server hard/software but I'm pretty sure that in 2k18 probably everything is doable with some kind of investment.
I would love to see blizzard adding a technical feature in their phasing function. Basicly when you phase it's always like a new virtual spot on a server which runs the game and has a capacity of x-player. I can imagin that it is possible to preset the balance of Horde and Alliance with a deviation of 10%+- for horde:alliance.
They need to give parties priority in phasing and phase out immediatly out of combat solo player which most of the time wouldnt even recognize they got phased. Therefor Raids play more often vs raids, grped people fight against grped people and solo player more often meet solo player instead of big grps which is just frustrating. You could also add level ranges to the phasing like 110 - 115 and 115 - 120.
Anyway - blizzard will handle it as they always handled things - ignore it :)
The basic idea of warmode is really cool and I would love to see even more incentives which are equal for both sides.
The problem with faction balance should not be a content / function change in the current game - it should be a technical solution. I'm not a coder by myself or deep into data center / cloud computing / gaming server hard/software but I'm pretty sure that in 2k18 probably everything is doable with some kind of investment.
I would love to see blizzard adding a technical feature in their phasing function. Basicly when you phase it's always like a new virtual spot on a server which runs the game and has a capacity of x-player. I can imagin that it is possible to preset the balance of Horde and Alliance with a deviation of 10%+- for horde:alliance.
They need to give parties priority in phasing and phase out immediatly out of combat solo player which most of the time wouldnt even recognize they got phased. Therefor Raids play more often vs raids, grped people fight against grped people and solo player more often meet solo player instead of big grps which is just frustrating. You could also add level ranges to the phasing like 110 - 115 and 115 - 120.
Anyway - blizzard will handle it as they always handled things - ignore it :)
So, i'm playing on Alliance as well. War mode on.
My feeling on world pvp is that there is 80% horde or more playing with wm on, and about 80% of alliance playing it with off. It is very hard to solo some quests, if not impossible.
It doesn't really feel balanced right now at all, but hey it's pvp, no hard feelings.
Are there any official statistics, like how much % wm on/off players per faction/server group?
My feeling on world pvp is that there is 80% horde or more playing with wm on, and about 80% of alliance playing it with off. It is very hard to solo some quests, if not impossible.
It doesn't really feel balanced right now at all, but hey it's pvp, no hard feelings.
Are there any official statistics, like how much % wm on/off players per faction/server group?
Yes, war mode is terribly imbalanced right now. It feels like i'm playing on Kazzak realm (~90% Horde). Kazzak players EVERYWHERE. I rarely see any Alliance, and keep getting into 1 vs 5 fights. Hopeless fights. Every bonus that war mode gives right now is just a free bonus to the Horde.
A real and serious problem that Blizzard needs to solve ASAP.
A real and serious problem that Blizzard needs to solve ASAP.
There is no fix for this its too far gone, everyone knows if you like PvP you go horde, Alliance has always been the pussy faction, I'm ok with that though :)
31/08/2018 11:42Posted by ErsuonThere is no fix for this its too far gone, everyone knows if you like PvP you go horde, Alliance has always been the pussy faction, I'm ok with that though :)
Being only able to fight only if you outnumber the opposite faction / if you're higher lvl sounds more "pussy faction"-like to me. :) So no, the Alliance is very far from being a pussy faction (whatever it means), it takes courage to turn on warmode under these circumstances. :)
31/08/2018 11:42Posted by ErsuonThere is no fix for this its too far gone, everyone knows if you like PvP you go horde, Alliance has always been the pussy faction, I'm ok with that though :)
There is. Remove the 10% bonus reward. You opt into PvP to do PvP, there should be no additional reward/compensation other than you doing what you want and getting appropriate rewards - PvP achievements, Conquest Points and Honor. Or am I going to get compensation for doing a battleground because it decreases the time I could have been out doing world quests? There should have never been this increase. We've had PvP servers for years where people had to spend more time on doing quests because they were getting killed and they got no compensation compared to PvE servers.
Without compensation, you would only have people who truly want to PvP in warmode, not those sneaking around just trying to benefit from the bonus.
If the warmode was imbalanced, the Horde would not benefit from it in any way.
I have never bothered to turn it on on my Alliance characters since the start because anybody with half a brain could envision this is going to be the result.
Not even perfect sharding is going to help this. If I'm getting roflstomped by a 10 man Alliance raid during a wq on the northern tip of Vol'dun, the fact you shard in another 10 man Horde raid at the very bottom of the zone isn't going to make it any more balanced for me.
The bonus is fine as it is. Some kind of solution to address faction imbalance needs to exist - tenacity is probably the best idea. Should work with some sort of proximity sensor, such as "outnumbering faction players in immediate proximity (something like 200y)". Should also not make us immortal gods, but still powerful enough to encourage people to play wm on without fear of constantly losing outnumbered fights.
Yeah, just what the hell. i never met any Alliance player while leveling my Horde characters in Zuldazar and other Horde zones but once i step with this 110 toon in Tiragarde Sound i get ganked by 120 Hordes already at the first questing zone.
I would consider making faction change free in some way, not saying completly and for everyone but in some terms. Like even if you nerf racials, even if you boost other aliance aspects, ppl woun't pay 20e to play lower populated faction. Even if they like play aliance. But if it would be free for horde > aliance, i think we would get closer to balance even with few more %.
There is no faction balance issue, since there is no balance on a very basic scale.
Alliance have been kicked in the kidneys for over a decade now, it is the expected result.
Alliance have been kicked in the kidneys for over a decade now, it is the expected result.
There is definitely a massive imbalance on EU. War mode is just dominated by Horde due to their numbers. It’s pretty much impossible to get anything done. It’s never 1vs1 or 2, it’s 1 vs 8. It’s such a shame as war mode has really bought a new aspect to the game in a good way. It’s just frustrating when you see so many Horde everywhere. You literally cannot have any pvp action without 6 more Horde jumping in on your fight.
May saying!28/07/2018 17:05Posted by MirunMake the WarMode incentive bonusses scale to reflect factionsize balance.
In German forums, I got offended for that. :(
Or they can implement a trophy system. For example: 2vs1 - winners (2 players) get 30% trophies for kill. There is no honor in killing with a dominance. This would have led players to equal fights.
Skaling up and down.
New currency. New gear. New motivation.
I get what you are saying about scaled rewards. But WM WPvP is not about fair fights. It’s about random crap happening. 1v1, 2v1, 3v1, 4v1, 5v1, etc are all legit. Honor is for RP. If you want fair, you have duels, arenas and bgs.