Warmode... Do something

would really suck for horde though who are on the shards with 0 alliance (feels like that now though) warmode is just a total utter failure. If you want to world pvp as horde you can’t due to lack of alliance. (even if you do find 1 alliance player 100 of other horde join you so its not real pvp).

At least as alliance if you want to PVP doing it in groups is viable.

I think adding an option to MERCENARY for wpvp would be a nice idea.


I’d love to kill Alliance as Alliance!

The best way is to just merge the 2 factions (lore wise it makes sense, having peace after so many big wars) and then maybe splitting the population between political factions rather than racial ones. (just make sure the factions end up balanced or its the same issue we have now).

Would also freshen up the game and give loads of interesting story plots to mine for ideas for a good 2-3 expansions.

If you mean mulitple enemy political factions, that would make it even more difficult to balance a shard, two factions is hard enough.

If you mean no enemy factions and wpvpers all just mixed together… is everyone then an enemy in wpvp? Or is your enemy assigned automatically on zone entry. I don’t geddit, and doubt balance would be fixed to a degree that stops the whiners.

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