Warrior defensive stance - nerf

Tbf Dstance has been a point of contention for longer than it hasn’t in this iteration.

You can’t really make it feel fair to play against in its current form.

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I think this is a problem on its own - what kind of game do we have where some classes arent able to be in the open and getting “blown the fck up”. As you mentioned somewhere else I believe a healthy state for warriors would be to make them do more damage from “abilities” rather than execute and MS.

Imo all damage and healing should be nerfed a lot, while we dont want 5h damp games I still think it is more fun for people when they can play for longer rather than to be dead and wait. This is mostly about bgs though but I think it could be implemented in arenas as well.

So like everyone else outside of warriors?

Thats just straight up wrong because other classes have utility for themself instead of tankiness

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We dont need nerfs, we know what other classes do, what we do is no different.

You also don’t see warriors on AwC so that is a clear indication of that we are balanced.

Top teams are RMP and Jungle, or monk teams.

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AWC is not an indication of what’s overtuned with 100% certainty otherwise we’d be flooding in necrolord hpaladins every game.

Are you trolling? Where do you see that warriors are underrepresented? And how is this an indicator that warriors are fine? Where sub rogues fine when they went around oneshotting people just because they were not the most played spec?

i mean warrior is def. within the top 2 melees right now (with ww that is) but u still cant remove the only real defensive tool we have. Parry and pain alone wont cut it. If you really want to change def stance that drastic you have to redesign the class itself kinda. While were at it we could tackle the horrible class design as a whole

Also not counting rogue because all they play is RMP anyway. Same goes for feral

Hey Qid, i think also alot of other classes need heavy tunings such as.

Mage: tanky ,oneshot dmg,cc complete package.

Sp: is by far one of the tankiest speccs in the game alongside high Sustain dmg and cc.

Rog: probably the best cc in the game which is Not dispelable.
And very good dmg almost the same as a so called warrior in offstance and alot of freakin deff CDs.


its an overall thing not just warrior. Classes are based around big cds is why this game is in such a sad state.

Idk about any others here but if anyone played pre WoD they would understand how great class design can be

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I started my journey in cata-mop i was Not that good in mop, i just Managed to get 2k but, it was the most fun i ever had.
I know what you mean.

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Of course, MoP anything was peak class design. Personal fav. is WW monk but warrior was pretty neat too. Spamming slam felt better than SL warrior will ever do.

Also another reason why i dont like the current design of intervene. Id much rather be able to try and intervene a blind or smth but the powerlevel from this spell is so high that the usage is rather boring and scripted as with many other spells

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Warrior was on his peak in mop i would say.

Oh damn you are pretty high dude.

You are a rogue who deals no damage thats your problem… Even with cds and pre dstance you cant survive Most rmp go‘s, Since the Burst damage is so high…

But this Forum is for every one even the Not so high skilled players…

Not remove. Just make it that you are unable to do the same rotation with almost the same damage while you use it.
In tbc you frequently have to swap into defstance and equip a shield before rogue stuns you for example which grants you protection, but you can’t just press one button off gcd and take less damage without any real change.

I would also nerf intervene to one attack only and the same should apply to the conduit. Right now the conduit still lasts 6 sec which is basically a free ironbark.

Maybe you should play other classes than warrior to see how broken they are.

you do realize im not even a warrior main right ? Despite playing it since 2014

Played disc Priest whole s1 in Shadowlands, my twitch is mostly just rdruid / Hpriest stuff and usually im playing almost every healer. It’s just that i dont have any dps on retail to play with. Trust me i would play heal if i could. Also i think I’ve explained it well enough no reason to become detailed again. Never did i say warrior isnt T1 right now but i explained why ur suggestion doesn’t make any sense. If you don’t see it you might have to play some warrior :wink:

what you are not, yours is from a pre patch in 2vs2 ,and otherwise I don’t see anything good

I think this is an important part of the post - we cant just change one class while leaving the restas it is. Then we will just make the people who play warriors dislike the game. I raise questions / concerns like this because right now it doesnt feel like dstance works like it should (imo).

If you dont even understand the post maybe you shouldnt post? Dstance as an abillity doesnt work defensively enough. And we are not talking about 3v3 alone.

Yeah we should base this around the top 0.5% so the rest of the playerbase wont enjoy the game…

If you dont see how warriors are in a strong spot right now you must be a bit delusional.

This Game is completely Balanced around 3s and yes of course you should listen to people who are playing classes to the Full potencial…

If you dont Listen to them the Game would be in a was worse spot…

You should listen to all players of the game… It is supposed to be fun. Some people might know more about balance - but thats a point of definition.

And you honestly think rank one players arent biased towards their own class? Like people are never subjective right…?