Warrior is Trash!

Hey blizz, s2 hit the deck and all got their sets and on top of that you buffed all classes almost except warrior which you actually nerf a while ago, and you know what happends when you nerf something and buff something else??? Its not rocket science you brainiacs, you have destroyed warrior class for pvp and pve as well, both specs suck, fury is medicore dps for pve and sucks for pvp, arms is a joke for pve and also sucks in pvp since its tier set is garbage compared to other classes. I suggest you get your @$#& together and rework warrior both arms and fury suck bigtime. Hey at least prot is actually nice!


It’s not though. RIP.

I’m so sad what they’re doing with Unginged. It’s not something that auto wins games. I don’t understand, but then again, I’m not a class dev. Another weak capstone for Arms.

Class Tuning Incoming – 26 July

Warriors being buffed next week in pvp so theres something

Just play prot and stop whining. Warrior dps in PvE is a waste of time anyway.

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oh play prot? for PvP? Cause PvP is my thing mainly…

I agree with you. No xpansions TRASH this much in Fury Warrior! It didn’t happen. In terms of both PVP and PVE, Warrior is a disgrace. “BUFFing” silly, useless (in terms of PVP) talents is not the solution!

I agree i love arms but it has the most useless abnormal talents in the game. Spec is broken trash until execute phase it’s only useful in raid mythic bosses if you enter heroic zerg run you will do tank damage because you spec sucks and bosses melt so fast you cant even press execute 4 times. Give us mortal compo give us clossal smash legendary from shadowlands give us 9.2 sylvanas raid arms warrior good cleave good single target heavy mortal strike gameplay please.
Let cleave talent if you pick it works as legion lvl 15 talent. Please fix this spec its not fun going aoe talents and be trash in everything eles besides aoe take out execute talents and replace them with good sustainable dps talents gives blood lust so we can get into m+ groups.
This whole talents thing is just downgrade for arms warrior.


What a delusional post xD warrior is one of most brain dead ez 2k+ rate in game with high overall performance and low skill bar xD can’t say anything about pve tho


Well hes not wrong, We’ve been one of the most slept on classes for PvE this xpanc, especcially fury…

I think warrior DPS (as arms) is great in groups. But our single target capabilities are sub par to many other classes. While I understand that we can’t have it all to have some sense of balance across classes it does feel bad.
Since not they seem to now be creating support specs while I do not think that warrior currents specs should change it could be cool it they gave us some more team utility.
A aoe interrupt would be nice or something like as we spend rage we would inspire the team. Either a ignore pain kind of effect(not a full one) or a small stat buff for the team.
Would feel nice

Of course:

  • Mortal Strikes from the Unhinged talent are now cast at 60% effectiveness.

Fury warrior is very strong and very fun in raids, and arms is a niche spec for ST fights that have important execute phases…

All 3 warrior specs suck in M+ though currently since the patch. Even if it doesn’t suck for me, and I still do big dmg, the perception of the community about warriors currently makes it suck more than it actually does on lower key levels. However, on the highest keys done I can totally see warriors being absolutely useless.

Also: Arms warriors are terribly designed. They are the worst designed dps class probably in the entire game. It’s not really about complexity here at all. Arcane mage may be complex, but at least it’s fun for a lot of people and it follows their class fantasy. Arms is also quite easy to play compared to mage, but … Damn… it is really unfun. Arms feels like an abomination, where some parts of prot warrior and some aspects of fury warrior got shuffled together with some feral druid (:face_vomiting:) and assassination rogue (:face_vomiting::face_vomiting:) limbs, and the disgusting result is the bleed spec without bladestorm, that really has nothing to do with our class fantasy at all. It’s neither a tactician, nor does it feel like a blademaster. It feels like a rogue wearing a too heavy sword trying to be a warrior and failing at it. It really has no identity and no class fantasy. Fury is way better in this aspect, but I gotta admit, playing fury does hurt your hand, if you do it too long.
Whoever is in charge of paladins or evokers, make them fix warriors. Thx. I don’t care if it’s next patch, or in 3 patches. It has to be fixed at some point though.


I think perception of a class feeling bad or good is player dependent.
I don’t like the feel of fury. Feels like I’m playing a button mashing game with my rotation and it’s just funneling all your stuff into rampages.
Imo arms in terms of rotation feels better than fury and feels more like a big bonk class specially when you crit.
I still think we need more collectively as warriors as we lack utility. And specially arms lacks single target damage.
I think as a class we need some sort of team support passive as a warrior we would inspire all the other puny classes to fight harder.


Slam damage is now increased by 85% in PvP Combat (was 48%).

ArmsDevelopers’ notes:

We’re increasing the damage of Bladestorm baseline and removing some power from the Unhinged talent, as its damage could be unpredictable for both the Warrior and their enemies. We’re also increasing the damage of Overpower to increase Arm Warrior’s consistent pressure

.Overpower damage is now increased by 30% in PvP Combat (was 20%).

Bladestorm damage increased by 40% in PvP Combat.

Mortal Strike damage increased by 10% in PvP Combat.

Mortal Strikes from the Unhinged talent are now cast at 60% effectiveness.

FuryDevelopers’ notes:

We’re increasing the damage of a few Fury Warrior spells we feel are not impactful enough in PvP.

Execute damage is now increased by 25% in PvP Combat (was 10%).

Onslaught damage increased by 15% in PvP Combat.

Ravager damage increased by 30% in PvP Combat

Read the pvp changes

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Slam doesn’t fit in Pvp rotation, increasing it’s damage is kind of pointless.

Will reduce cleave output, but doesn’t matter when meeting caster cleave as Unhinged is not used against these comps.

The other buff are a wait & see compared to what is coming for other classes, but anyway I don’t think we are outclassed in Pvp

Fury buffs seems a bit too violent looking at their current dps output in Arena, but I don’t play this spec to provide an accurate feedback on it


I dont know details regarding this at all, i was just showing him where the patch notes were so he knew the referenxe isnt towards the damage buff to prot lol.

Compared to other melees, fury damage output is low in arena. DH, Enhance, UH DK, WW etc. do way more damage than fury.

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True even after hotfix buffs fury output is still low for melee