Watch the Shadowlands Launch Cinematic: “Beyond the Veil”

This is how other GAMES look like nowadays. :slight_smile: This is how WoW gameplay should look like. Take Ubisoft games for exp. Their cinematics look almost exactly the same as the game itself when all maxed out. And guess what ! People are playing it ! Why ? Because there’s an option called: “low graphics settings” for those that still play games on Commodore64 in 2020. WoW graphics is ridiculously outdated and has been for a long time. Looks like Blizzard spends 80+% of their budget on cinematics and hype and only the rest on the actual game. :frowning:

What a terrific WoW Vanilla Intro Cinematic flashback!

Denathrius is such a cool looking villain. Sadly we have to kill him in the first raid. :slightly_frowning_face: I’d like to see more of him…

Good job art and animation teams… but this was honestly kinda underwhelming. bunch of people we don’t know or care about doing random stuff.

Most of us know who they are and what they’re doing.

I like how much uglier they made this jailer character in this trailer

Animation/art team is perfectly doing their job unlike other teams :ok_hand::ok_hand:

I love the hype the cinematics create.

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