We are coming for you!

05/11/2018 21:40Posted by Frozenshadow
I wanna see a Tánariá vs Arctur fight now xd.

What makes you think I'd waste time with someone from a city of back ally rats...as one who basked in Highborne potential in the grand Zin'Azshari, what makes you think I'd even look at "Stormwind" and smile.

I already have to share a realm with the...thing and it's on my ignore list on both forums and in-game.

[quote="176234177899"]Just curious Tánariá, what is your opinion on the Nightborne's betrayal and do you want to retake Suramar for the highborne?[/quote

And forsake our home of Eldre'Thalas to the Horde? No.

Suramar was always a mixed bag city. It may have been our jewel, but it was never a fully prosperous Highborne City...unlike Zin'Azshari and Eldre'Thalas.
05/11/2018 21:48Posted by Frozenshadow
05/11/2018 21:45Posted by Arctur
I have better things to do than waste my time with an unfunny troll. And Night Elf fanboys are so predictable anyway, ugh. Even more than Sylvanas fanboys with their "Sylvanas is pragmatic" and "Greymane started the war in Legion" arguments.

You do like kicking the bees nest don't you?

Impossible, I have ignored the troll therefore any conflict was onesided and started by them.
I think we all should be very useful as cannon fodder, because we need to save the human potential. fOR ThE aLlIaNcE!
05/11/2018 22:06Posted by Alestra
I think we all should be very useful as cannon fodder, because we need to save the human potential. fOR ThE aLlIaNcE!

This Highborne basked in the great Highborne potential deep within the metropolis of Zin'Azshari. I'll remain with that.
This is a bit off-topic so my apology for that but since Elune blessed Tyrande with her powers doesn't that mean she joined the Alliance and became a enemy of the Horde?
05/11/2018 21:50Posted by Tánariá
But you are not able to detect the difference between a Paladin and a Mage

Since when do mages wear mace and shield, as well as, plate shoulders? Even the battle mages I came across so far did not need this. They relied on spell power. Besides, I mentioned her in connection to fighting, i.e. druid fighting is effective.

05/11/2018 21:50Posted by Tánariá
Val'Sharah is terribly close to the now, hostile lands of High Mountain and Suramar.

Doesn't matter. It has the Dreamgrove, Blackrook Hold, and the Temple of Elune. Even the air breathes Kaldorei. A home away from home *looks towards Teldrassil*

05/11/2018 21:50Posted by Tánariá
They lost their lives defending everyone else against a wretched walking corpse. Such a disappointing way to die..

I was actually refering to the few Highborne mages that opened the portals. Ah well, each has to fight the way he knows best, I guess.
05/11/2018 21:54Posted by Tánariá
What makes you think I'd waste time with someone from a city of back ally rats...as one who basked in Highborne potential in the grand Zin'Azshari, what makes you think I'd even look at "Stormwind" and smile.

I already have to share a realm with the...thing and it's on my ignore list on both forums and in-game.

It is interesting to see the various opinions of the more extreme sides of the Alliance interact with each other.

And rip being on ignored, part of me wants to see AD and all the interactions between them xdd.

05/11/2018 21:54Posted by Tánariá
And forsake our home of Eldre'Thalas to the Horde? No.

Suramar was always a mixed bag city. It may have been our jewel, but it was never a fully prosperous Highborne City...unlike Zin'Azshari and Eldre'Thalas.

I am not saying for you to forsake your land, but rather reclaim what is rightfully yours from them mana-addicted traitors. Surely it is still a hit for them to hold what was the jewel city of the old empire no?

05/11/2018 21:59Posted by Arctur
Impossible, I have ignored the troll therefore any conflict was onesided and started by them.

Rip again,
Just ignore Arctur the delusional troll, he/she adds nothing of value to the conversation. Let us all enjoy the fact that Blizzard actually started listening to us ! we are finally getting some Kaldorei love ! This is the first time since the launch of
WOW night elves get a cut scene xD rejoice in Shando's bad assness
05/11/2018 21:54Posted by Tánariá
What makes you think I'd waste time with someone from a city of back ally rats...as one who basked in Highborne potential in the grand Zin'Azshari, what makes you think I'd even look at "Stormwind" and smile.

Frankly it is hilarious how foolish and naive you are.

The Night Elves, and specifically the Highborne, are, and have always been, weak. Azshara was easily swayed by the false promises of purity and power, and by Xavius who was obviously only looking for more influence for selfish reasons. And she was supposed to be brilliant! It is no wonder that the once so might Night Elf empire collapsed... to put your society in the hands of such incapable hands, no wonder it was doomed to be destroyed by the far more competent Burning Legion.

And you refer to Zin Azshari, as if it still exists... it has been reduced to nothing, even the Ruins of Lordaeron, blighted by the Banshee Queen, is worth more than a few Night Elf ruins. Your heritage, your memories, they are all worth nothing.

But the day of Judgement comes, and the Light will judge your soul like any other. And what will it see? The arrogance, and the ignorance! That you have refused the Holy Light since your inclination for lust is far greater than the strength of your Intellect... that is what the Light will see, and you will be judged UNWORTHY, and your soul will remain uncleansed, endlessly floating through the Twisting Nether, looking for its purpose.
05/11/2018 22:34Posted by Mälfurion
Just ignore Arctur the delusional troll, he/she adds nothing of value to the conversation. Let us all enjoy the fact that Blizzard actually started listening to us ! we are finally getting some Kaldorei love ! This is the first time since the launch of
WOW night elves get a cut scene xD rejoice in Shando's bad assness
How dare you are to say something against Arctur the human?! Garithos knew about human potential. But some of our kind just doesn't wanna accept that we aren't worth that someone fights for us. My life is deticated to serve human overlord. My life for Arctur!

Oh yes they did, often and it was great back in the day.

The fight against Grommash. Even Tyrande’s first impression of humans was: “They are barely better than Orcs.”
“Slay them all.”
Her first mission back in WC3: Kill the Paladin (a human).


But remember!
Blizz hates NE …

leaves the room

We have RPPVP community of Night Elves fans “Night Warriors” which is created mainly to clean the DarkShores from the Horde.
We will farm Horde Players there until 8.1. will be over.

If somebody want to fight for Night Elves homeland, just wisper. Need to have 1700+ pvp experience and NE geared char.

Warriors of the night assemble © :smiling_imp:

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Why? Isn’t it a zerg run anyway?

What kind of requirements are this?

Right, was there a need to post this on a 17 day old thread on the storyboard?

1 Like

Because all Night Elf players are here ! <3