We might need to have have the tank role added to every class at this point

I mean, we are never allowed to have 2 tanks in 1 group? :thinking: We arent in a dungeon. The game does not even know what we are going to do.

There were fun groups running 5 tanks in M+ before too :grin:

Fun happening in M+ sounds like an oxymoron.
I am not saying that it cannot happen. But it seems like players do not want it to be fun, neither does Blizzard

Yes just like that. Itā€™s possible for the game to identify how many of what role are in an instance.

If there are more then one tank in an m+ all tanks get a 30% DMG debuff. That way you absolutely can take more then one tank if you really want to for fun stuff but using the dogs role is always better then stacking tanks

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Yeah this is the worst element of agile/scrum/etc, in most places you are rarely given sufficient time to really get to grips with something because everythign has to slot into a two week window

Im in the same boat.
I dont want to switch classes just to fill the tank role.
I LIKE being a warlock that summons demons or does massive damage with destruction spells.
I would love if i could get a tanking spec like demon hunter has (but obviously different so there is some difference) but the wow devs will never do that because it would require us to have metamorphosis back.
The worst part is that we warlocks could just get the old meta instead of DHā€™s current and it would be VERY different.

I think the problem is that the dev team is afraid to expand and create new specs as it could be questioned as to why it is done so late in wows life time.


I just wonder.

If we do exactly that, adding tank roles on every class, and it doesnā€™t fix the issue - Which straw would GD next grasp ā€˜to fix the tank shortageā€™ ?

Then all the people will finally accept the one and only truth.

Itā€™s those damn kobolts! They take the tanks when no one looks and they hide them under there candles

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I am not trying to fix the tank shortage
I am trying to fix my limitations of roles when selecting to main one class over my others.
Because unlike those who are are always content to waiting the dps role waiting time, I usually chose to just tank or heal instead (based on demand) to make my wait much shorter.

But I kinda gave up when I was explained that the current Blizzard is not qualified to make even more specs when they cannot even balance the current tank specs

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Someone suggested a really, really cool fix that would really fix the issue:

Make 4 DPS groups instead. So 1-1-4 .

So basically, we accept the tank shortage, but increase by 25% the amount of DDs that can play for the same amount of tanks.


Well, i am not going to look at 1 more partyframe. 5 is more than enough to babysit fulltime. So i guess it will become 1-2-4.

Im not against inmortal tanks though.

I would reduce their DPS such that while being immortal, they would be unable to complete or kill a boss on their own.

Making your party frames 5 people (plus a tank nobody cares about).

Solved. :slight_smile:

But even then. I dont think this is such an issue. I got a bar with 5 boxes to the left to heal. Wouldent change anything to have a bar with 6 boxes in them. For me atleast.

I think its worth it. Because the problem with tank shortage is that we need 1 tank for every 3 DDs and currently we got 1 tank for every 4 or 5 DDs. You can solve that by increasing tank population, but also by increasing DPS slots per group. Its the other side of the coin.

And after 20 years of tank shortages, with 1000000 different permutations of tank sustain and DPSā€¦ maybe its time to think outside the boxā€¦

Sure :slight_smile:
But i am not going to heal it. That is obviously my personal descision. Maybe other healers are fine with an extra to focus on. I myself are already getting a mental overload in the TWW dungeons. I really do not want to get more. Whack-a-mole an extra box, not for me.

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A fourth DPS slot also means more utility in the group => more mechanics in the dungeons / much higher DPS checks / more casts to deal with => all in all it leads to a much higher pressure on the healer especially in lower pugs => back to square one as now itā€™s the healers holding you back instead of the tanks.


The solution is not that difficult they can add enmity spell like ffxiv has which you can switch on or off at will .that helps you to keep the mobs on you as tank instead of your party members .
Second thing that they can do is add a medium side map so that if a tank is lost he can quickly look at his /her map while moving in dungeon when they are not in a fight .

I am actually not really sure how much shortage there is. It is freaking difficult to get into a group (like +3-4 keys) as prot paladin with 608 ilvl.

The enmity spell from FF14 for WoW is already permanently active for tank specs. It used to be a toggle via stances or buffs but became permanent for streamlining.

For season 2 they plan to finally increase the threat/enmity multipliers for the tanks in WoW (which seems to have been a problem in high end groups)

As about the side map, I bet there are add-ons for that.

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That makes sense.

Wellā€¦ I tried atleastā€¦

All i know is that tanks are complaining. A lot. So blizzard has to do something for S2ā€¦

Real talk: Adding a tanking option to every class will NOT solve WoWā€™s persistent tank shortage. This approach is short-sighted, assuming that more tank-capable classes will somehow fix the problemā€”a problem that has only grown worse in recent years. Itā€™s like saying, ā€œLetā€™s switch to energy-efficient light bulbs and solve the climate crisis.ā€ While it might help slightly, itā€™s far from a long-term or meaningful solution.

To truly address the tank shortage, we need to look at the root causes. Why is there a tank shortage? The answer is simple: not enough players WANT to tank. And why is that? Because tanking is often stressful, carries more responsibility, has a steeper learning curve, and is especially punishing in PUGsā€¦ Just to list a few reasons as to why players may be put off tanking.

To fix this, Blizzard needs to focus on making tanking more appealing, either by making the role more fun and/or making the role more rewarding.

The solution isnā€™t just adding more tank specsā€”itā€™s addressing the reasons players avoid tanking in the first place. Having 13 tank-capable classes means nothing if people still donā€™t want to play the role.

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Iā€™m not sure if tanks really complain, or DPSes about not being able to find one.

Perhaps we just need to make the DPS roles more demanding / give more responsibilities to them specifically. Not sure how, but if itā€™s about responsibilitiesā€¦then just even it out. Perhaps there are ways that enforce DPS players to be more involved in the pulls (this shifts one significant responsibility from the tank to the dpses, double win imo), penalize missed interrupts by reducing the DPS of DPSes by a certain percentage for a couple seconds, some melee/range specific affix that has to be dealt with on an individual base (not for tanks/healers), and so forth.

How about they just stop raising the bar of how stressful endgame content has to be?
If most people actually enjoyed being stressed, then more hardcore MMOs would not have flopped