That’s the not a good mindset. That’s putting delv players down unnecessarily. Sure I will never say playing delvs is as hard as m+ the whole coordinating 4 other people thing alone makes it harder.
But Delvers also need gear. Not only do we need gear to tackle higher delvs we also need a form of character progression. The fact that we have a valid way of progressing our characters is what sets delvs apart from every other solo content blizz tried.
And I understand the problem that ofcourse it would be necessary to do delvs to keep performing if delvs would be a good source of crests but I find it a bit unfair that it’s Okey that Delvers should need to so other content. We just want to progress just like you guys.
Plus I’m pretty sure you don’t really want Delvers in your m+ groups anyway. Especially those that don’t really care and only come cause they want crests.
I don’t do PvP so I don’t really know what changed for them now other then that they don’t get to use the vault.
Would that mean we Delvers don’t get to use the vault anymore?
Maybe blizz should make a hard cut and go the route they did with the PvP gear ( maybe you mean that) and make every content self serving. You can take your delve gear to m+ but it will be worse then m+ gear of the same level. I don’t know if that would be necessary for raids and m+ too I don’t know if they have similar issues.
I personally would not care if they separate the contents along as every content has a good progression route. That way we also would solve the problem that some m+ feel like delv players get to good gear
I mean y s they are pretty strong maybe even a bit to strong but what I meant was the act of throwing stuff at someone to heal them. Let me chuck health stones at my raid members they forget to use them anyway
I’m inclined to say that Blizzard used AI internally to narrow down on specific behaviour and patterns and then hard-coded those with simple if-then-else flows to imitate those narrowed-down results for optimization. That’s why it’s both predictable and unpredictable.
Think of it like someone who is new to playing chess. An experienced player knows that a new player will not perform something “groundbreaking” or “amazing” and will only limit to simple not-very-thinking-ahead moves. But the new player, lacking knowledge, doesn’t always pick the optimal or 2nd optimal or even 3rd optimal move, and may select to make a move that doesn’t make sense to the experienced player.
If you are in s group with 4 friends, all are 636 and you are still 613 you will die more often and do 1/2 of the DPS they do. And if you are the tank/healer with 613 gear its even worse.
And if you pug, 4 people have to choose you from a list of people in LFR. Everyone on that list is 636 and you are 613. You will never get invited and never play.
And even if you get invited to the PuG group you still have the same problem. Your performance compared to others will make you feel carried. Nobody likes that. It makes you feel bad to be the burden on the team. Even if its strangers.
Delvers on the other hand do not have the extra social aspect. You just walk in there and do your delve. 613 or 636. Dosent matter what gear you got.
Delves have progression. M+ has progression PLUS all the social things. And they are an important aspect. Its so important that solo players deliberately put great effort to avoid it.
So its normal that M+ players complain. We got all that extra social stuff to deal with, so we want more rewards to reflect that extra difficulty.
What i meant with PvP divorce has to do with gear separation. The vault has nothing to do.
My opinion is that right now blizzard is very limited. It cannot offer a better progression on any mode because of the interference by other modes.
By separating them they can design a catered experience for each (including the vault). Its the only way to make us all happy. Otherwise, blizzard will need to compromise. Which inevitably will get some people angry and fuel the “us vs. them” narrative.
Dragonflight had it right when it comes to tanking: Make tanks easy to pick up and play, naturally tanky, and people will play the role. Yes, tanks were overpowered compared to other roles, but who are you really competing with as a tank?
dragonflight was good because they had enough people working on it so there were less mishaps ,better stability of the game .with the recent lay offs we are slowly and gradually moving towards the dark period of shadowlands era.
I tanked heroics regularly in DF, also healed (druid), tanked raids reasonably often (raid finder), healed raids most of the time, sometimes did DPS (warlock).
All of this was PuGs. And almost all was fun. Sometimes you got a toxic dungeon group, but if that happened, all you needed to do was engage the first boss. Once that was done, you could almost always complete the dungeon.
Things changed in TWW. Toxic groups are allowed to lock people out of all group finder (even follower dungeons) for 30 minutes, with no social contract re: use of such a powerful tool (deserter). The ‘gogogo’ escalated so quickly in TWW. Deserter is handed out to tanks and healers when DPS decide not to use any interrupts in certain dungeons.
TWW also has random disconnects, so many bugs which don’t get fixed, bugged quests, etc.
Guild bank wipes, reputation wipes, honour wipes, achievement wipes, map exploration wipes, personal bank wipes, ‘vanilla crafting skill resets for characters in TWW’ (e.g. classic tailoring is wiped and reset to level 1), currency losses (all currencies) also don’t help.
Tanking and healing became no fun, and all the other things just compounded that. Classic and classic hardcore are good fun, so those are what I play now. +1 tank / healer lost from Retail
Precisely that is exactly what is happening .I have been recently thinking about shifting to either classic or altogether to ffxiv as tww is making it really difficult to enjoy.
People were already making jokes about WoW and work since near the start. Now we have reached the point where the fellow players are pawns for the human resources