We need duck mounts!

This has been suggested too; mounts are simply an additional, similar idea.

Fair enough.
I’m just not a fan of oversized mounts. Like the albatross, rat or parrot mounts… They just don’t fit in imo.


Stop it, get some help

My chicken melt also went down rather well.

Goose mounts ! :smiley:


Yeah and make it so they’ll only are usable on Horde.
That compensates for me asking for a Bee mount and not getting it on my main because daft faction restriction! :unamused:

But who would ride such a mean-spirited and vicious mount?

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They do bite quite hard…

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Yes. I lost most of my hair because of ducks.

Just imagine everyone if we got Undead goose and duck mounts :star_struck:

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That’s a… disturbing thought. And that’s coming from someone who’s used to seeing Abominations in every street.

Please keep the ducks out of WoW. Thank you!



Blizzard doesn’t give a duck about what you want.

Imagine the zombie version of this Goose ´https://i.redd.it/ziyrjzn4fho21.png´

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Yes but those minions have to be murlocs or goblins.

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