We need to dismantle the Horde

…I wanted to reply to that, but… nah, that discussion would be horribly tedious, looking at the stuff you wrote, and how far apart we start. I vehemently disagree.

is it really though?
How should it had been written then?

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Absolutely. I don’t see how anyone could defend “I want war, but I don’t want to do anything to prevent one in the future”. That’s a picture book example of being horribly stupid and short-sighted.

Allright let us now see here.
let us go by your example of embassies placed in each Horde City.
How likely would the Night elves, Gilneans be to agree to this outcome?
What benefit would it be for the Alliance to use their already spent resources for such an endeavor?
Not to mention the undeniable difference in Culture Between most Horde and Alliance Nations.

What Varian did was showing good will, and trust towards Vol’jin as the new leader, Had Varian Survived the Ordeal of the Broken Shore and indeed Sylvanas would had still become Warchief.

I’m pretty sure Varian would had moved much quicker than his son for one.
and even back in the end of MoP He tells the Alliance hero they need to find a way to contain Sylvanas.

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…more likely than them agreeing to just stop fighting and leaving the Horde with a warning. At least there would be a clear policy regarding the Horde.

The possibility to see what is happening within the Horde, to talk to the Horde leaders, to directly discuss violent acts before the counterstrike and offer alternatives to violence… and of course, like always in diplomacy, to introduce spies and manipulate Horde politics in your favour. It can also serve as an early warning system, because when the ambassadors go dark, you know the Horde just declared war. None of that is especially sinister, considering the hostile faction relations, but it gives at least some leverage, and opens some possibilites.

You don’t have to be integrated into their culture to be a diplomat. There is a reason the embassy is treated as foreign soil in our world, They are not supposed to be the same.

Trust, but verify. There are limits how far you should trust an enemy.

Apart from that “do that again and I’ll end you!” is not really an expression of trust, in my book. But contrary to the organized distrust I would propose, it was pointless.

And I see it as a failure of the Alliance, and not just of the Horde, that a Sylvanas could take power as she did. Blizzard told us in interviews that BfA had to happen, because MoP didn’t really resolve anything. I agree with that. But it could and should have.

which hilariously neither did BFA.


Well, it at least did a big step in preventing Garrosh 3, by removing the office of the absolute dictator… On Horde side, at least. But yeah, the underlying wounds are more open than ever.

Except not Anduin’s achievement this was something the Horde decided themselves after being unable to throw the title on the guy most suited for the role.

Yes. But that’s what the war changed. I certainly wasn’t praising the Alliance’s role here, just pointing out that BfA did better than MoP in this regard.

Agree to disagree.
MoP did a better ending since the war’s conclusion Garrosh’s judgement was not left in the Hands of the Horde Nor the Alliance, but a Neutral Nation that did not pick sides not even in the Court itself.
-Despite the Alliance’s clear attempts to not just get Garrosh Judged for execution but besmear the Horde itself-

While BFA had.
Sylvanas flew away so, let’s stop fighting!
Except the two weakest members of the Alliance had made it clear they do not agree with this statement and will not sign any paper.

Meaning the High King is in all essence a Blue Warchief now and should be removed just like the Warchief position.


Garrosh’s fate was never the war’s conclusion, though.

That’s really the same I got from MoP. “Garrosch is defeated, so let’s stop fighting”. “The Warchief did it.”. The only difference is that Garrosch flew away to his own dimension after getting caught.

It should never have existed in the first place… and I don’t think you find a majority of players in the Alliance in favour of it.

What has become of this topic.
Pvp needs to exist ,Jabjan until Blizzard finds a way to give Sylvanas an army of idiots to lay siege on Azeroth,then another faction will born.
Mantid and Mogu for Sylvanas army and naga.

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We must dismantle Jabjan’s thread.

Without Jabjan’s theads to focus all of the vile heresy of the forums in a few spots, the ideals and posts would run amok across the internet becoming an even greater Threat!
Control must be maintained.
There must always be a Jabjan Thread.

We got like six, though.

  • Six threads at the high table , six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.
  • Seven heresy will be set before you.
  • Only the will of the emperor can save us all.

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