We should cleanse Plaguelands

If they update the dungeon and put new model to Deathcharger’s reins, I’m all in. :laughing:

Have you seen how the Eastern Plaguelands look? Even if you somehow kill all the undead there it’ll probably take years before anything will grow there.

I’m not really sure how Tyr’s hand and the Scarlet Enclave managed to have grass.

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Western Plaguelands looks rather cured, atleast.

Now that, im 100% sure :rofl:

There is no Lordaeron. Its UNCERCITY and its horde territory blighted by Sylvanas to keep the dawg faction out.


Only of we can cure the dead scar at silvermoon too. If we can cure a turtle with a whole ship in it, surely druids can do something about a little dead grass?

I don’t think that’s possible. Unfortunately this is not Warcraft 2.

Alterac was destroyed and the people became part of a Syndicate that hates both factions.

Stromgarde is ok

Dalaran is neutral now and moved out of the Eastern Kingdoms

Silvermoon is no longer part of the Alliance

Gilneas is abandoned but people are at Stormwind As refugees, previously at Teldrassil but… you know.

Lordaeron’s people are mostly the Forsaken now. A few human survivors lived in Stormwind and Theramore.

Kul Tiras is ok

Stormwind is ok

Dwarven city is ok.

So yeah that sums it up


Something has been plaguing me for days, and now I can finally point my thinking cap to the right place (-198, -84).


what is this


Holy death knight of a necro Batman…


Hints for secrets.




My guy just came in to necro a 3 year old post about the Plaguelands.

Gotta respect it


He did it for the secrets of azeroth event.

-white noise-

You can still do it even after today, the only thing you might miss out on is the FoS achievement which is only available until 23.59 today (realm time)

All the secrets, the caps, pets and the mount should still be available to get if you want them though. Just be prepared to do a lot of traveling :laughing:

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My lord, is that legal?

He has made it legal.

Also this thread has now no more automatic closure.

Kalimdor/EK rework confirmed for next expansion!

Pirates and cured plague lands!