We Won't Be Able To Craft 4 Set When Catalyst Comes Out Lmao

I’m very happy for you :laughing:

My bad, correcting it to 2500

Back in vanilla, I WISH I had my full set bonus of tier sets within 2 months. Usually took a LOT longer. People have become so entitled and so impatient it’s freakin’ insane.

This is NOT a looter shooter or an ARPG.

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I am afraid the short seasons of legion and bfa got everyone in a hurry. We also would like to use our new aquired gear for a while. Unfortunately blizz is not communicating the length of the current season, so we got in our minds the season is 5 months, like in bfa and legion. I am probably the only one liking it blizz got into development trouble and had to extend the season lengths for shadowlands.

I don’t understand the idea of comparing vanilla to now. It’s not even close to being the same game. Same as people trying to compare it to WOTLK.

PvP had a set.
Raiding had a set.
M+ didn’t exist.

The game is a seasonal game now no matter how you try and spin it, every new tier is a new season and everything you did last season doesn’t mean anything anymore. You can’t compare the two because they’re nothing alike except both coming from Blizzard and being called “World of Warcraft”.

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Yeah I don’t enjoy it at all. I loved the release schedule in Legion.
Hope that will be back for the next expansion, honestly. But maybe with a few changes.
How about a tier season and a non tier season? They could alternate them… One season you get a new ilvl cap, new raid and such and in the other season just some ‘gimmicks’ and some new stuff to earn.

Honestly… I like how SWTOR is doing seasons. I’m actually enjoying playing it now, because with the weekly goals you get to pick what sort of content you like doing. And sometimes, you get taken a bit from your comfort zone if you want to max the amount of points you can earn, and that’s fine.

I’d love for WoW to try something like that. Hell… They can have a season pass and sell that on the store - for real money only, no BattleNet Balance - so you get a second path of rewards besides the basic one. Taking the season to work towards those extra rewards by doing the content you already liked doing; win/win imo. If they did that, the seasons could be longer.

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Agree to disagree.

The mindset of many people has changed. That’s the big thing.
I blame the players. Not the game. You shouldn’t play MMORPGs if you want instant gratification. There’s plenty of crap games to choose from for that.

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You can hardly call 2.5 months into a season “instant” of course.

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You and me have some very differing opinions on what instant means.

150+ keys, 40+ tier boss kills across 2 toons and 2 tier pieces is hardly what I’d call instant gratification.


Not literally no. But in an MMORPG sense, 2 and half months is not that long.

See above.

I’d call that bad luck. It happens.
I’d also call it obsession, if you really did all that just for some tier. But you do you.

With a 5 month season 2.5 months is really not instant.


Who said the season is 5 months?

In fact; a dev once said that they consider a season 8 months.
They haven’t officially said this season was 8 months, true. But if that’s what they consider a typical season length to be… Well…

So we get into some speculation but;

He is mentioning a “typical duration”. Which more sounds like “normal length” to me. I am not expecting another 8 months season. Not at all. But it is pure speculation of course.

The next expansion announcement in 8 days will maybe tell us more.
I’m not sure if they’ll announce a release date, or at least a ‘general time period’, but that could be an indicator of how long we can expect these 2 seasons to be.

Yup :slight_smile:
But my guess is they want to get back to shorter seasons again since too many people say they have nothing to do for too long periods of the current longer seasons.

And with this in mind i can hardly blame people for wanting their tier set basically halfway a normal seasons length. It would be completely hartbreaking to get your set finished the week before a new season starts and you are never able to use the new acquired gear.

And honestly; I hope it’s going to be 5 months. And then 5 months for season 4.
Because that would mean 10.0 pre-patch in 10 months, which already puts it at feb which in turn means the expansion would be released about a month later (ish). Still much too late for my taste, but yeah… Better than 16 months from now (which would mean august - not likely, so probably sept pre-patch oct release at earliest then. And that would be horrible).

PS: Subtract 2 months-ish, if you think this current season will be 5 months - I personally don’t believe they’ll make that timeframe (which would put the expansion at feb-ish or july-ish with an 8 month timeframe).

“Let me tell you back in my day exactly 18 years ago gear was intentionally much more sparse which is why it got changed over the years because it was bad design”

Well… Tier sets taking longer to get wasn’t that long ago; WoD.

there is a lot of spoilt entitled people in this thread…

and a lot of dumbies no longer in the pram.

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