Weekly Chest Hate Thread 🧰

Decently useful for visions at least.

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I got 2 exact duplicates of items that I already had. Surely that must be useful :thinking:

Just please give us Shadowlands’s weekly box already, this is just a bunch of BS.

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I wish I knew what is in my chest now tbh

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Well I stopped doing M+ almost 2 months ago on my main
because of the RNG

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Got an ilvl 475 Trinket from SotS, Habal’s thingy with a water spout for Aoe damage
 socket and 108 Speed
 tried it out, it blows.

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I got a 475 ring with versatility mainstat woop woop

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Imagine making a negative comment in a thread that is about something that you get for free.

Bruh, the point is that people like getting BiS, people like progressing their character’s power, it’s the core of any RPG. Having that tied to a 1/100 chance each week, that you can only roll once (or twice if you are 2.4k in PvP) simply demolishes any hopes for BiS.

Imagine being this ignorant.

Edit: how could I forget that the true BiS is tied to passing two 10% rolls, with each roll, if it occurs, there is a 20% chance to get leech, and another 20% to get a socket proc, not to mention that you also need to pass another 1/53 roll, which gives you the corruption you want? This is all after you pass the 1/100 roll on the item that you want.

You do the math on that.

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Don’t you dare, you started this thread, you gotta do it properly e.e

Check a few QQ posts for reference and come back with at least a 50 words post for your thread.

You have 2h.

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Truths be told, i stopped mythics because it just tooks much time to find a groups, even in guilds, to do a decents key, and then not evens a timeds one.

So i didnts get loots :c
Sad noises


Not exactly a chest post, but I finally got my first Heroic Unguent caress. Took me ONLY 13 weeks to get (or 3 months and 1 week) with bonus roll on each week. Fun game \o/

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I got the worst ring in my weekly chest 2 weeks in a row and my azarite shop has given me the same pair of shoulders 6 times in row with only one pair of shoulders being different but still super super shiet. I came back 2 weeks ago and is quitting today the game don’t want to be played.

Hopefully you aint expecting to do mythic + on your warrior if so i would suggest getting some gear before trying to gather a grp.

bis sloted? you’re far from bis sloted lol, not really sure why you’re trying to brag with 450 azerite, 465 trinket and ring and multiple 470’s.

Welcome to the forum - don’t take baits :sweat_smile:

Since the introduction of corruption and my incredible bad luck I have just not cared about the weekly chest this patch. I watched various friends get bis corruptions while I could only get terrible ones. So I gave up. So the weekly chest is just something I open once a week without caring what’s in it xD

I have my corruption from the vendor now.

Sorry, you lost me there :rofl:

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You never used to get a weekly chest from Classic to MoP its a free chance of extra loot ,they removed the raid ones we used to get per week be thankful they don’t remove these .

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I think he/she is trying to communicate with you an assuming you are his/her’s brother as far as I can tell with this “cool” speak .

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To pick gender “Male”, please reply with 1.
To pick gender “Female”, please reply with 2.
To actually have a conversation about the topic, and to understand how language works, please reply with your brain.

Yep, and instead, from TBC onwards you had a Badge type system, where if you didn’t get the loot you wanted, you could still go away with some loot at the end of the week, allowing you to gear up more deterministically, instead of waiting for, you know:

1/100 chance once per week to get the item that you want
1/10 chance to warforge, and after that, 1/5 chance to give you the warforge you want
1/53 to have the corruption you need, because the vendor is on a rotation

I’m pretty sure doing raids will give you a lot more useful pieces than the weekly box.

Also, if you’re 2.4k in PvP, you get to do a 1/200 roll + the rest once per week to get an actual BiS piece.

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You should never assume peoples gender she is a well known poster show a little class without the twitch speak.

Being aggersieve only leads to flags and your acting like a teenager or twitch user with all this “cool/edgy” speak .

With emblems back in TBC unless you did every raid boss and every herioc and daily dungeon and raid quest per week you were not getting an item per week not a chance.

They give best azerite ,weapons and trinkets as they should .

PvP gear shouldnt even come into this discussion imho thats a separate topic which needs alot of work on.

The box/chest is a none issue anyways as its being worked on for SL .

I say again its free loot and should be looked as a bonus its something you wouldnt have got and if its bad scrap it or diss it and make some gold.

Last note, try and be less sarcastic there is a person behind the post treat them how you would like to be treated .
Bruh Brah and other such words dont belong on WoW forums stick to reddit/twitch for that thanks .

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