Wh0 is the Moderator of This Complete Mess of a Forum

I’ll moderate the forums. There’s a massive power cut so can’t play wow or stream any shows and I’m bored.

I promise to be fair and share my pizza on Fridays :smiley:

Being serious though, the moderators are about and have been closing threads regularly that needed closing and doing their job even if they don’t shout about it.

Just flag the posts that you feel break the rules and (hopefully) they will be dealt with once a moderator views them and determines if they do actually break rules. Not much more we can do or ask.



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I usually agree with you my trend setting whale pic loving friend but


5days that thread been open and ive never seen such much abuse in all my years on the forums.

I haven’t looked in that thread but I have seen a few get locked (with reasons so it’s moderators doing it) the past couple of days so I’m surprised it hasn’t been if it’s bad.

They should auto lock after so many flagged posts too as I understand it.


This i agree with see you and Puny and Radium need to run the forums !!

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No, they shouldn’t, although they usually do. They should first ensure that the flagged post actually violates the CoC before locking it.

Well, in the thread in question every post I reported named an individual player - that a forum breach.

I deliberately did and still no action

If the forum is only scan moderated on a weekly basis then it becomes worthless - as toxic as the minority would make it.

Not Good

Wow, is worse than I even imagined it, but still I’m not surprised when I see the state of this forums…

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Didn’t mean that they should as in they “should” auto lock just that’s how the forum system works. In the same way 5 unique flags on one post hides it a certain number of posts flagged in a thread auto locks the thread.

Guessing it’s designed to nip things in the bud until a moderator can assess and deal with it, whether it’s working or is a good system isn’t for me to say.


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