What are you doing in WoW to pass the time?

Level, level, level… delete, delete, delete. Level, level, level… delete, delete, sleep.

Leveling lots of Priests and PvPing my socks off. I love PvP at the moment, even with bad gear :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s not like WoW is the only game I play, I’m just pacing myself to make sure my priest in retail is lvl50 for SL and the one in Classic is lvl60 for TBC.

Still doing meta achievements. Almost done naz, i just need to put in the time to get the rares.

Mechagon tho. Been farming for total about 6 months now. And still no sign of this damn viynal. Im going crazy

Honestly not much. Couple of BG’s here and there, a bit of levelling, decided to try some 魔獸世界 aka playing on the Taiwanese servers for fun, but most of my time is spent playing D&D or Skyrim or playing around with tech.

The prepatch is actually pretty good, but i just don’t care because I’ve progressed to the end of it all and it’ll be deleted soon anyway. There’s no point playing other than the heck of it.

Also I’m a little scared of BG’s right now because I’ve somehow magically gotten myself a ridiculous win streak that must be maintained - 14 wins in a row! How? I don’t know lol

Currently levelling up my Void Elf Mage with some occasional Classic thrown in. Nothing too exciting, although my VE does look awesome. Not a massive elf fan usually but she looks incredible.

I still do some m+, also do some leveling. Started a belf yesterday to see the belf starting zone, never done that one.

A little bit of everything really!

  1. Achievements.
  2. PvP
  3. Transmog/mount/pet farming
  4. Roleplay
  5. Doing mini transmog contests with my guildmates.

Farming reputations! I just got Ambassador of The Alliance one!

I log in, verify that no world quest gives more than a 81 item, then I log out.
If there is a cache or something valuable, I do the quest, receive an item I already have :rage: and log out.
It is getting old.
(I have 10 level 50 on Argent Dawn and not too much incentive for playing).

Doing a leisurely level of a new SP in Pandaria having started on the island. Enjoying replaying my favourite place and looking forward to getting further than Jade Forest. I may need to hurry it a bit as I still want to do some levelling of my soon-to-be arcane mage.

Mount farming. :slight_smile:

Levelling some toons. Nothing much. Chillin, really.

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collecting mounts.

Waiting for the sub to end.

Wait till real pre-patch arrives.

Levelling alts and unlocking the allied races that I didn’t bother with previously :slight_smile:

Quintessential Quintet

My best achievement in prepatch lol

I’m too lazy to research rotation for all my alts so downloaded MaxDPS addon plus the various class plugins :rofl:
Apart from that, its legacy raids (I will get you one day, Invincible!) and some odd bits with my guild

Awesome! I may or may not have been looking to steal ideas :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This is what I love the most about pre-patch. W can just chill without feeling like we’re being left behind on the power curve.


One more alt to 50 then some legion stuff for the class mounts,

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