While on the subject of mounts, is there a place where I could find a COMPLETE list of ALL mounts in the game, including those that have been removed, were only available in specific regions etc?
Champion’s Treadblade
The what now? DO I have that yet?
The Treadblade? It’s easy to get a vendor sells it in SW for 100k.
You are 58 then?
i apologise just seems with your typing and actions you seem a lot younger much like an angery teenager so please accept my apology.
dont be sorry be better.
It do seem bit like you already answered yourself
Good advice to live by anyway, wish you good luck with everything.
Considering your profile and character.
I feel like the part where I said it’s good for men, not for those looking for something cute and colory, hurted your feelings.
anyways i was talking to Álaric why are you answering for him?
What are you talking about, my profile and character what? My video game character in fantasy mmorpg. I have no clue what you are on about. Not interested of this whatever it is that you are trying to start here. Like I said good luck to you with everything and all that, going to just ignore you in advance as I have no interest in this type nonsense.
You were indirectly teasing me.
and i gave you a reality check.
you can go find more battle pets yea
It depends on the transmog I’m currently rocking.
Mimiron’s Head
Champion’s Threadblade
Bloodforged Courser
Black Riding Goat
Honeyback Harvester
Lightforged Warframe
Vicious White Warsaber
Startouched Furline.