What broke the Warbanks?

Hi guys!
I know its a frustration for everyone waiting, especially with blizzards silence.
But have we heard anything about what actually broke the warbanks?

I heard it was those MOP Remix hoarders, who tried to transfer bronze…

You can see the blue post about warbanks here

Keep an eye on the hotfixes (or alternatively the wow new sites) for when this issue has been resolved and the warbanks are back up and running. There is currently no news to share beyond the blue post.

Many of us are keen to try the new feature :slight_smile:

blizz also broke normal guild bank functionalities with warbank… , cant withdraw gold from my own guild (as guild master), even if you are alone in your guild.

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It’s like asking “what broke the chandeliers on the Titanic?”. Well, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of things broken I’m afraid. Why, just this evening after logging on I got the prompt “New Covenant Calling” which was a Shadowlands flashback I did not need :smiley:

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