What Covenat will your main take ?

Not out of place if the DK is Tauren or Night Elf.

Kael thas knows the way.


As a warrior they all suck tbh. If one of them has Broxigar or Saurfang, prolly go with that. Otherwise go with the best one for dungeons.

i will take the 5th convent that destroys the shadowlands expansion and brings me the black empire expansion old gods > whatever trash this is

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Revendreth because it seems like a very fitting place for DH. Also I get to hang out with one of my favorite characters! I really hope they do Kael’thas justice this time, unlike TBC.

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The Necrolord armor looks the best to me, but can’t argue with the gothic aesthetic of the vampires. Tough pick.

I can see that the majority of the people will go with the ones which will give the best abilities for the classes they play, I will do the same.

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My main is a Paladin! The obvious choice is the Kyrian Covenant! :slight_smile:

I must be one of the minority then…I pick things according to what I think my character would do, even if its a DPS loss! :wink:

My hunter is a good girl so would be Kyrian.
Warrior would def be Necrolord.
Druid and monk, Night Fae of course.
and my warlock is a shady troll who is still wearing her eye of N’zoth and trying to play both sides so would def go for Venthyr!

Its going to be fun!


Well I wish that each faction would give equally good ones, than we would have a real choice, but with the way how it seems that the things are implemented some will be better than others for certain specs/classes, and there is no logic behind gimping your character for the endgame purposes.

I wouldn’t say he did nothing wrong, but since he is there, and my paladin still has that … errr, syphoning of the naaru thingy to deal with, I guess he can join his prince and start atoning for his sins in life. Save sometime later on :smile:

If I base my choice on lore and how I see my character as a person I would go with Night Fae (I will main a Vulpera shaman healer). However I will have to wait and see how impactful the abilities are and which Covenant has the best transmogs before I make up my mind.

Vampires all the way!!!

Honestly it makes sense, aside from Maldraxxus being filled with abominations and all sorts of monstrosities it is also where those who never bowed or yielded end up. As far as I know Thrall’s mother went out swinging.

The Venthyr makes most sense thematically for my main since I play a blood dk and I think the vampiric appearance fits the theme of leeching the lifeforce from your enemies quite well.


On my main yes, on my alts anything goes :slight_smile:

Thematically, “survival of the fittest” or the “valhalla” one could work for a warrior.

My DK-main will go with the Night fae.
Hes already a Gnome DK. I love wacky weird combos.

Im gonna end up looking like a Deku from Zelda, lol

I believe that there is going to be a lot class changes in Shadowlands, which is why I haven’t decided which my character is going to be main character. It all depends on what information is given tonight in Deep Dive-panel.

However, I have picked covenant for some my character which I am going to play. My warlock is picking up Necrolord Covenant, while my Demon Hunter is picking Revendreth. My Dark Iron Paladin is going to Bastion, while my Vulpera Shaman, which I create in patch 8.3, is going to Ardenweald.

After these four characters, I just pick which I ever want.

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I’m pretty sure 80% at least will go for the vamps. If nothing else, their zone looks the best by far.