What Covenat will your main take ?

Our Lord Arthas for example. Maybere there will be a culling of arthas scenario.

Necrolords, of course.

Can’t decide between necrolords and the edgy vampires actually. They got the cool 3d models.

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Venthyr most likely, but will do lots of alts as well.

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NecroLords on alot of chars!, but will eventually get into all the Covenant on different Characters! but i’d say NecroLords would be my main Covenat!

I may choose necrolords for my rogue or Hunter, and fae for my druid!

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I’m looking at the vamps like Austin Powers was looking at that guy’s face mole. I want to pretend it’s not there, but I just can’t.

Im certainly going for Revendreth with my Resto Shammy. If there wouldve been a covenant for the Maw, then I wouldve gone for that 100%. Wouldve spiced things up and wouldve also been more rewarding for Sylvanas Loyalists who are being left behind and not given the choice to follow their leader. I hope this option will be available at launch.

Curently as donw know all cosmetic stfuff yet, none. its what choice will depend on. what one has best cosmetics

Also 69th post in this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

The Necrolords!.

On my main I will go with whatever sims highest.

I’ll have alts to do the other covenants for collection/completion purposes xD


I probably won’t make the final choice until I have played through it and got the story and feel for each of them. Will also depend what character I play on. With the way alts will work I would likely level just one to start where as in other expansions I often do 2 or 3 at the start and level them through more or less together, then pick the one that seems most fun to concentrate more on gear an story content at end game.
So for me will be the first time of just focussing on one character since vanilla, getting them levelled all the way to 60 and then starting on my alts after that.
But I will get at least one alt in each covenant so I can see all the story differences.

I can safely say as an altoholic I already have the four covenents covered :slight_smile:

My Main =Ardenweald because fairies
Paladin = Bastion
Death Knight = Maldraxxus
Mage/Rogue =Revendreth because vampires and I hope the transmog looks as good as the plate version.

I don’t really like any of them!

Might have to bust out this old transmog and be world’s most unlikeliest Paladin. :slight_smile:


“5 points to Revendreth!” :confetti_ball:

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So majority of players are hardcore mythic minmaxers? I dont think so. And i hope cosmetics wont be account wide so playing alts wont be the way to get them.

They don’t need to be to not wish to gimp their main characters for the endgame purposes, especially if it will not be easy to switch to another covenant later on as Blizzard stated.

Well, like a lot off people say here, my main its going to be the one that syms higher. Its a hunter, so i will have to see.
But my druid its going to be a night fea, my mage its going to be Necrolord or Revendreth, my dh its going to be Revendreth.

I’m kinda expecting Garrosh to be there too.
Sure he’s a bad guy but he was similarly tenacious and unbroken in his objectives.
That or he’s in Revendreth, because I don’t think he’s evil enough to be sent to The Maw (especially since Kael’Thas ended up there too).

I’ll be completely honest.

Which ever has the coolest mog.