What do you need to tank in lfr?

Have a very VERY thick skin. A quick scan of the forums will give you a taste of how impatient and condescending “experts” (sic) can be.

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For LFR - just install basic add-ons like dbm recount and UI you prefer.

Read dungeon journal - how to fight that boss according to your spec. Also read up on boss abilities from dungeon journal.
Que for LFR
Tell in group - this first time I am tanking if anyone wanna provide any tips.
If you wipe try to find reason for that and don’t do that mistake again.

You good to go.

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LFR tanking is not a bad 1st thing to tank. I’d advise watching the “Two minutes tanking guides” on YouTube for each boss.

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I just did my first lfr.
It was a zerg rush.

This what i was scared for.
A bigger dungeon?

Honestly it is less scary the lfg.
I feels like i am just a face in the crowd.

DBM feels a bit like cheating but i see how usefull it can be.

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