What i would like to see after Wednesday (Bg queues)

ngl, this made me giggle.
But lets keep this about the problems we are facing and not Horde vs Alliance please :slight_smile:

Funny how you started counting alliance-horde ratio of whiners now and not the past 1 month or so

At least this guy he state some nice points of view.
In meanwhile you are here for number of negativety and nothing constructive at all.
The beast way is to shear a good opinion or a solution/suggesting to tickle the problem.
Don’t preach other to become adults when you literally show the opposite.

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I personally think it comes down to the hardcore PVE crowd. In TBC any serious pvper will have a few slots in Hughenden PVE gear they get through raiding with their guild. Most high end PVE guilds are horde. Most high end pve guilds have a reasonable amount of hardcote players who also play pvp. Those pvpers simply follow the HC guild they are in and most min.maxers go horde for racials. The racials in pvp are pretty minor…in PVE 5% BM hunter pet damage for example is fairly significant. (Just an example)

Real issue is the hardcore guilds roll horde. Which just so happens to have a big chunk of the high end pvpers in since they do both…

Hordes just want to be able to play bg’s without losing their identity as horde.
i doubt that faction change will fix anything, Most horde will think that others might use it And so None will use it, maybe at best case scenario, you can get 5% of total horde goes alliance which will solve nothing.

many people play horde for the idea of “i hate alliance race’s” why would i be a filthy human or a lowly gnome or a fat chibi dwarf or a space goat?

Didn’t necessarily happen on pservers, many of which used incentives like free mounts, extra rep and shared quest drops to incentivize rolling alliance.

At this point i dont think this feature going anywhere so either delete alliance or buff x10 times or more
#1 i would sugest free faction xfer horde to ally (or paid)
#2 buff passive and active alliance racials for pvp (stun resist/fear resist/imparing resist/anything that help alliance bring players to pvp)

This is the only way people will play alliance pvp is that if they have unique and really good pvp racials passive and active otherwise its a 1 faction servers in 1 or 2 months.

problem is not about incentive to play alliance but to incentive alliance to play pvp

The racials are almost equal. Sure, horde has slightly better racials overall but an average player doesn’t really care. The most sweaty gamerz will pick horde due to the racials but for the majority it does not matter. A 1500 rated player won’t end up getting gladiator once they swap from human to undead.

Obviously this is just my opinion and it is subjective like everyone else’s but I don’t really genuinely believe the racials are the problem here. Horde is just overall more attractive and more popular and people usually follow their friends. Majority going to horde -> they go horde as well. Most people rolling horde roll it for totally different reasons than “muh racials”

Ally racials do not suck. Asmon tourney all top teams were ally. When blizz hosts their arena tourney I’m pretty sure we will see ally majority there as well.

Here you are 110% correct. Problem is that allys do not play BGs. But I highly doubt it is purely or even mostly due to having “bad racials”

That is a harder problem to solve, but on that matter I’ll say this:
I’ve played Horde for all of retail TBC in 2007-2008, all of WOTLK, and later on again on pservers.
We always had queues for BGs unlike alliance, but since the servers I played on were generally balanced population wise, Horde had to contend with 20-40 min queues depending on the BG.
And to be honest, having played Horde for so many years, I was (and still am) perfectly content with waiting that long, as that’s just how things are on Horde.
(Don’t get me wrong though, 1,5 hour queues are unacceptable, but 20-40 min queues people imo just have to deal with, they’ve always been like that).

you dont seem to understand the severity of the sittuation apparently.
Alliance just dont want to play pvp there must be incentives to play pvp and racials are a good and unique option.
Buff them make them ALOT better then horde and buff for pvp ONLY not pve

this is true thats why i can only see incentives like really strong racials (overpowered ones)
in a way that brings pvpers to alliance that dont care about aesthetics and balance factions.
If they are on the same lvl or slightly better why would anyone wate their time and money and reroll?
Current alliance pve’rs dont like to pvp and they will pvp if there is a bis HOWEVER they wont pvp they will just farm 10 games week and not really the difference between pvp and pve so the answer to balance is bring pvp’ers to alliance that went horde for racials or whatever reason and dont mind transfering to get an advantage in pvp.

Why would we want to upset game balance by affecting player power in order to make allys play BGs? Why not just give them a +40% damage and healing done boost in BGs? That would make you happy right? /s

I think the incentive needs to be somewhere else than in player power (read: racials). Give allys more BG dailies, a small amount of gold or some mats for winning a BG, anything. But please for the love of god don’t make player power changes as it is simply not the reason allys do not do PvP.

If i’ve learned one thing in this forum after my 14k view 900reply post is that its a pure waste of time argumenting logically with alliance players or basically anyone in this forum.

When feelings and strong emotions take over there is no place for logic unfortunately

nah , noone wants afk in BGs F that.
We want reall players that are willing to play the game.
We had enough of afkers during classic vanilla

It is not happening as the majority of PvP players already went horde. All the streamers are horde and their fanboys will roll horde. Even if alliance got slightly better racials people would not reroll at this point, and new players are likely to pick horde anyway since it is the dominant faction. I’m still with my argument that for the clear majority racials arent the dealbreaker when choosing between horde or ally, at least I personally don’t give a crap which side I am playing on. If our guild decided to go Ally I would have happily followed with them to the ally side.

i did not say slightly, i dont think you are getting the message or are unwillingly to get it.
IF faction PVP doesnt rebalance the Q’s will be 1h, to fix this is give outstanding good racials for PVP ONLY to the alliance.
I bet you, there are very good pvpers that with free faction or even paid faction xfers will transfer to alliance to get that ADVANTAGE , not slightly better
Like i said SLIGHTLY wont cut it at this point i agree with you.
Its either this or just 1 faction (makes no sence on a 2 faction game)

I still dont get it why you want to affect player power in order to fix a problem which is not caused by player power issues in the first place. Sure, people would probably play ally if u give them +50% damage and healing done in BGs, that should be no surprise to anyone. But is it the root cause for allys not playing bgs since they are missing the +50% buff? No, it is not

And this is a huge problem but you cant make them pvp right?
Therefor you shouldn’t really incentivize alliance to play pvp but get the pvp’ers to go alliance. Speaking as one, racials are not it queues are.

again i dont think you are getting the message or unwilling to understand what im saying.
Doesnt matter the root cause is, on the current path alliance will be 10-20% on pvp servers, do you agree with me on this?
If so, the ONLY way to fix this is to give an ADVANTAGE in PVP ONLY to the alliance.
giving 50% damage is not even the way to do it and its not relative to BGs only.
Give alliance racials that give passive stun resist, fear resist, imparing resist, , active racials that remove all ccs/dots, etc.
These are just stupid ideas i bet blizzard can find good ways to give ADVANTAGE to alliance racials and this 100% will give a reason for pvp’ers to play alliance for pvp.
That is the best incentive you can give is give a very good reason for pvp’ers to play alliance.
Not incentives for pve to play pvp, most will just afk and noone wants that on alliance side and not even the pve’rs want that.
They just want to be left alone doing their own thing and not forced to anything blizz “thinks” its good for them.
Thats all i have to say

this is exactly what i ment, i might have miss written there.
Sure Q’s are but Q’s shouldnt be an incentive and should be the norm to have decent Q’s for either alliance and horde , this is solved with faction balance.
I agree with you that some people wont take the advantage of having better racials but i 100% bet you that alliance will have a good influx of pvp’ers with really good “incentive” racials across all races for pvp ONLY

This is the problem here. Currently it is quite balanced, we do not still want to shift the balance. Buffing alliance to be stronger than horde (read: have an advantage) is only going to be BAD for pvp. A better solution would be to remove all racials from bgs/arena, but even that would not make people play ally as the issue has never been in the racials.