What if the cinematic had gone differently? (Spoilers)

thats what u get for sacrificing an entire army as a misdirection + sacrificing an entire fleet for chasing a banshee queen loyalist.

So Saurfang made a huge gamble, relied on Sylvanas’ ego, and it payed off.

If she hadn’t taken the bait and kept her mouth shut? She would have just killed off Saurfang. Make a big speech to the Alliance and Rebels about how doomed they are, offer forgiveness to the Rebels saying they were mislead, deceived by Baine and Saurfang and win them back to her side using her charisma and subtle threat of a fate worse than death.

Some will listen and turn back to her side, some won’t. Big battle kicks off, Alliance leaders barely make it out, Rebel leaders also barely make it out, the faction war does win with Sylvanas’ new Empire the clear winner for now.

Cue next expansion where remnants of the Rebels and the Alliance try to fight against the Empire of Death that Sylvanas turned the Horde into.

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This clearly means that rebels are detrimental to any war effort.

Post hoc shuffles aside, it’s pretty clear that the depleted forces of Alliance and Rebels were just strong enough to try to take Orgrimmar with the effort deciding the victor of this grand conflict.

Once again Orgrimmar’s garrison of loyal Horde has the might to challenge the combined armies of the world on an equal footing. Truly the greatest army and fortification in the history of the world.

Just don’t think about it too hard.

It’s okay though because Anduin can just cast mass rez after the battle and bring everyone back (not you saurfang)

I hope they burned the body, otherwise I’ve got a new DK to recruit.

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Nazgrim could use a friend

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The burden of unemployment weighs heavily

I haven’t done any BfA content in months so while I know the broad strokes, can someone tell me why the Alliance had such small numbers vs the Horde there?

We know they were winning the war on all fronts, Sylvanas’ Horde was objectively losing, and even deserters had joined #TeamAnduin.

“Plot”, but the most ‘reasonable’ explanation is that Ally lost way more troops in Nazjatar than Horde did ('cos horde sent like two ships and Alliance sent EVERYTHING I guess).

Hmm. I thought it was just their fleet that got dunked, rather than the full army (or what remained of it).

Yeah that’s what most people thought (inc. me). Now I guess the fleet was also transporting a bunch of land troops too in case the Horde ships made landfall? So all those guys got lost too.

It’s not perfect and it’s clearly kind of an asspull from blizz, but that’s my best guess for how+why.

Tbh I’d probably accept that the Alliance were stretched too thin to pull together a single cohesive force to get there in time, whereas Sylvanas had pulled back troops from the warfronts she was already losing to hold the city.

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Everyone is talking about a Sylvanas wins cinematic, but what about the version where Saurfang is true to his game mechanics and cleaves so much damage that he cleans house of Sylvanas and her raid while the Raid leader (Sylvanas) and her co-GM (Nathanos) shout in voice chat blaming the healers.

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don’t forget the 100s that Anduin send to their deaths in Nazmir for a blatant suicide attack

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I wonder though. When they say that Sylvanas had the better army, most seem to talk about it as if she had more men than the Alliance and rebels combined. But what if it was more a matter of that she had better equipment, better weapons ( Blight+ azerite weaponry in the Underhold) like Garrosh and all.

Though I do agree, her suddenly having the bigger army-advantage is just a major asspull on Blizzard’s part.

That is a plausible explanation with the way the conversation between Anduin and Saurfang is worded.


That is probably true, she was the Warchief, so unlike Saurfang, she would have access to those weapons and I’m pretty sure it would be hard to bring all the Alliances weapons over and trek them up from Dustwallow.

Game of Thrones flashbacks

I mean, Jaina could just go get the Focusing Iris and do Orgrimmar Sink-Sing-along Part II.

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