What If...? We start over

Ya, story wise I am tired of seeing Jaina etc

It’s just like the Mario and Sonic games, where the main cast and main villains never change and there’s never any progression. Only side stories which are promptly ignored after they over by the creators as if they never happened. All to keep the main lore characters around forever.

If there are no spacegoats and no progress from current WoW, then no need at all.

Ironically the setting of Shadowlands would lead perfectly into hitting the great reset and having 10.0 be a WoW2.

Back to Azeroth.

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All that went through my head then was Gelbin Mekkatorque turning up with his mad white hair and going “It’s Your Kids, Champion! Something’s gotta be done about your Kids!” :stuck_out_tongue:


Hard no from me, particularly to removing flying. WoW II rehashing WoW Vanilla, yet again…would be pointless.

Sure. My only condition to have fun and interesting experience would be that the game is not developed by Scamzzard.

Thats grim.

For me, I already play most of the other mmos. I love the Genre. I couldnt imagine myself without mmorpgs.

OnTopic: I really dont want another WoW. I want Blizzard to finally do Starcraft Online!
But IF they would revamp WoW, the only thing I want them to do is to STAY AWAY FROM ARPG-ELEMENTS. There are already dozens of ARPGs out there, but very few traditional, GCDbased ones left. Thats one of the things that makes me still play WoW.

Surely the point of a new game is to do something new?

Can’t speak for anyone else, but no way I hell am I going to pay money to play to game I’ve paid for and played before simply because they claim it’s a sequel?

If WoW 2 ever happens (I don’t think it will) it would surely involve the same cosmos but new stories, new characters, new angles, not have us replaying the same story we’ve already done?

That’s what classic is for isn’t it? Personally I’d see it as a waste of money to put what could be development resources into a new game entirely into “classic with better graphics”

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A WoW reset button with some of the bad mechanics changed could be fun, but unfortunately I completely disagree with every single change you suggested pretty much without exception.

I’d like to see WoW get the same treatment that Beamdog gave to Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 and revisit the game with all the original planned content (including stuff left out because of time or technical constraints) included.

Imagine how much extra stuff we would get with expansions having the full story and not have things cancelled because the dev team had moved on to the next expansion.

As for the OP’s suggestion, that sounds more like WoW lite and not something I personally would be interested in

How about you take that weird fantasy scroll you just typed and go to different planet and stay there forever :smiley:
WOW is fine
what you need is different game to play or diff MMO
so wait for new release and go play those and please don’t do of anymore of these weird ideas in your head cause to you it make sence but what you just said is just a bad REBOOT to a great GAME

I would like to see that but sadly I dont trust blizzard anymore. They’re really out of touch with the player base with their changes and patches.

So for me it’s gonna be No.

What I’d love is more open world, larger world and way more story.
I’d love quests to be completely re-designed. Put less of them in game, but make their story amazing. Make it like Witcher style, have NPCs that give you quests have mini stories, make quests have impact, make it interest you to actually do them.

Another thing I’d love is definitely way more story around everything.
At the moment we’re just these mindless thralls doing bidding for main NPC characters and never once being mentioned anywhere in lore. We are practically here just to push the NPC story forward, nothing that will ever impact WoW story; heck we’re never mentioned in a single book or lore, it’s always “Alliance/Horde” saved the day, or hey, Jaina did it, or Anduin!

Less of ‘big bad nasty threats’ and more interesting ‘simplified’ villains that don’t threaten to destroy the world. Make it so we face these ‘simple’ dangers, make it so WE are also shown as vulnerable too; how about something where we fail badly? How about we end up caught by the enemy and look for ways to escape and survive?

Story is of huge importance. Playing a game for me means exploring the world, experiencing the story and feeling with the story. I never feel connected to WoW’s world because it never acknowledges you as even being there. You practically don’t exist in it.

Expand open world some more, add secrets, hardly reachable locations, make it so the zones aren’t cluttered with enemies, make the world feel more alive with some mini events. Make the ‘old world’ feel alive, remake it again.
Give us more customization options, I still can’t believe how little some races got and I’m still seeing 100000 duplicates of myself.

Make it so dungeons are actually dungeons, a place you can get lost in, heck even show fear. Enough of e-sports nonsense and ‘go go go’ mentality. How about we work on rebuilding that 'World" in World of Warcraft?
Less instanced content (but enough for those who enjoy it), and give us more in terms of story and open WORLD. Give us, the players, choices in quest/stories, let us pursue a path of our own.

That’s what I’d love to see if we started over.

Meta says no.

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We don’t need WoW2, we need new MMORPG: Universe of Starcraft.

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if you want a new game? go play another game.
it’s easier to find a new thing than fixing something by any means.

this! :+1:
& Please blizzard consider re-releasing StarCraft Ghost.

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