What is going on with Priests? Class Designer needs firing!

So hello blizzard.

You new “AoE Balancing” and “ST Buff” for SP is actually, what a 0.5% dps loss ST, not to mention in NORMAL keys 20-22s we’re not the highest performing AoE, and can consistantly get smashed by melee.

Shadow needs some Burst ST or buff, you need to revert the Thing from Beyond Nurf and the AoE nurf, really, I don’t get it. The only thing that SP’s need nurfing is VE. WE NEED MORE ST.

STOP LOOKING AT 99% ON BOSSES THAT ARE CHEESED FOR PARSES. You’ve legit got classes that burst higher without CD’s than a SP with.

Disc Priest is supposed to DO DMG to heal, yet it’s one of the lowest DPS healers in the game, literally a RDruid in Keys does more damage than disc. What’s going on? Oh when I disc OS and do 20-30k dps on a trash pack and then a RDruid sits doing 50k+ or a Resto Shaman.

Literally whoever is in charge of Priests at Blizzard needs to get fired.


Its the devs who designs the specc to only work above 20+ only m+ keys not pvp open world friendly. Nor mana friendly you literally go out of mana on one heal mass dispel or bubble or mind games.

In pvp after season 1 Dragonflight you are literally stunned then dead no instant cast Cooldowns they literally hate this class-

A monk healer can execute stun knock you back and stun you again and do an execute through you dispersion and also interrupt you then your dead with 0 counterplay oh wow an unlimited aoe fear gg…

In pvp right now shadow is a melees favorite target dummy to kill.

Lets not forget that our dots hits for nothing in pvp and gets dispelled and deals no punish damage to the classes dispelling them in bgs.

Besides that they are just stuck in 2016 legion that they can’t get in to something more fun. They don’t want to experiment with Mind bender cleave or Dark A.

Personally season 2 Dragonflight is the most boring season I’ve ever played. Season 2 of Shadowlands was boring, but this takes the cake NO dot spread on demand, No unlimited dot spread, shadow crash always miss and is on Cooldown, tanks runs a marathon in 10+ keys. But the devs are blinds to people that plays lower content its only that 1% that counts.

Anyway I support what you saying and the devs for this class should get fired, and never rehired to work in any game industry again period.

Also Pi needs to die I hate that spell and what it has done to the game Its not fun to toss a support dot on another player and get nothing in return.


I’m not really talking about PVP, but I see your point and know what you mean… I did try some, and it was bloody awful. How many grips a DK have… well, going up vs a DK and Ret paladin is pretty much dead with nothing you can do about it.

But imagine DMG Spec Healer (DISC) which requires way more brain power than derp Holy and still doing less damage that most other healers… literally the most idiotic thing Blizzard have done.

LITERALLY a Holy priest is 2k DPS above a Disc Priest in a mythic raid fight, like let that sink in, they have to stop healing and dps and they still out dmg a spec that’s revolved entirely around doing damage to heal, just imagine.

Someone at Blizzard has some questions to answer about what they’re doing to priests entirely, especially “buffing shadow ST” but nurfing their AOE, which actually ends up by simcrafters as a 0.5% DPS Loss! LOSS! And an AoE Nurf, not that we even needed an AOE Nurf either.

SP’s are not even TOP on Assault, oh hey the best Burst DPS Class with the most Snap AOE is top in Mythic Assault, Shocker, And FERAL is between SP’s with the Boomies snapping at their heels. Like seriously blizzard, seriously. W’re not even top in M+ if you remove boosting logs…

Mythic Raid Healer DPS Ranks:


Mythic + DPS Ranks:

Sort it out Blizzard. The only thing fixing is the incoming Damage and time for healers to heal it. For Example, 23 Tyrannical 3rd Boss in Uldaman that bleed will tick for about 155k DPS, factor in AoE Knockback it’s impossible to heal, without personals, HP and externals it’s incredibly difficult to manage, aswell as topping off others.

This game is clapped right now, it makes Season 2 the worst season I’ve played since Shadowlands S1.


Meanwhile Bm is killing ST and AOe right now with 1 button beast cleave meanwhile am here 20 sec cd on aoe dot application, Shadow crash is the worst design for a sloppy joe fix i’ve ever witness them remodeling Mind sear in to tentacles that never spawns unless Void Torrent

Is of Cooldown

The class balance is existing in a toilet somewhere in blizzards head quarters.

Literally if season 3 is this bad designed they might as well delete the class.

No Dispel protection No Mobility No aoe unlimited dot application also your Screwed in pvp versus melee your dead since no mobility Our dots dispelled without any sort of damage taken to the dispeller.

Then we have the reason why shadow is good right now Power Of Infusion Needs to go remake shadow Give it Hero.

Rebalance our dots give us some love in application to other targets give Mind blast some Vt dot spread.

Add back Mind bender again to the cleave make buff up the 0.7 sec to 3 sec instead.

Let the class be fun not a boring stationary claustrophobic Mind spike Mind flay spam

The cream cheese on the dev team is them nerfing our mana that gives us no heals or usefulness anyway what’s the point of using minigames? Cost mana.


Frost mage is doing 150k meanwhile im at 90k shadow ST lol seams very lit class designing job.

this dev team is a joke.

why do they design the specc to play around 20+ and not any key lvl.

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Spriests complaining when they can join any key from +2 to +30 almost instantly.What a time to be alive folks


the dot spread is boring.

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This rework or so called feels half assed to say the least they didn’t even look in to the core play.

Shadow crash is not fun nor is void bolt or void form.

Will be interesting to see season 3.

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+2 to a +30… no one’s even timed a +30… PI and Utility is all we’ve got.

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and insane damage.

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I feel like this even without or with cds i feel like a wet slap in the shower lol the dps aint there :stuck_out_tongue:


would love a better dotting application system lol this feeels terrible.


ofc a warlock would think such.


make better dott spreading and make Pi applicated to 5 people and make Mind blast applied VT and remove shadow crash its boring havin’ to aim cast that meanwhile warrior and warlock and druid just spam cleave their dots on to targets like brain dead.

having to waste 2 talent choices for a dot spread that is meh and deals 0 damage feels sad. Tbh

hope they read this and make changes in season 3.


painful feeling when you SCrash on stairs and it does not register, and then I have to sit there like a dummy manually applying dots to at least 3 trash in quick succession, then back to mowing down the wave.

whispering is also hilarious, wasting an extra point for VT to apply. like why, it was fine in S1 why change it.


Because a single ability that did all the things shadow crash did given the newly reduced cooldown of 20 seconds was ridiculous. It’s balanced by taking two talent points to get instead of 1 purely because of how strong the effect is.

or when it hits a clealing they should just add Mind blast spread Vt to other targets like warriors thunder clap spreads rend on other targets if you hit a target with Mind blast that already has VT

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Are there problems with priest now or with the way you use it?
Despite what you described, the priest, be it SH or Disc, is almost indispensable in any team on 20+ keys.
The fact is that not all SH push insane dps, but I see quite a few who do.
So if things go well for them, there is not necessarily a problem with the class itself.
However, I agree with the disc priest part, it could really push more damage if it is already a so-called HYBRID healer.

Its not a problem its the dotting problem that is really boring having to specc in to two talents for 8 target cleave meanwhile prot warrior cleave rend with thunderclap and druid cleave their dots on to near targets its the dotting on to other targets i think blizzard could put in to Mind blast make so mind blast spread VT on to other targets and remove shadow crash completely for season 3.

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The reason shadow has target cap / restrictions on how many dots it can apply with a single global and how often is because the amount of effective damage those dots deal between apparitions, raw damage, and psychic link is enormous.

If shadow could apply VT in the way balance druid can apply sunfire then psychic link would get reduced down to 10-15%, if not less.