What is Healing Like Now?

Hi there,

I used to play a healer (Tried all classes) some time ago when it was a very stressful experience.
May I ask, what is healing like now in BFA?
Is it better? easier?

Thanks for your reply.

Healing. Healing never changes.

I don’t heal myself, but I doubt if healing, as an overall activity, ever changes. Of course, there is all the difference in the world between healing for random groups and healing for friends or friendly groups.

You might try a friendly community like Scared of Dungeons

or the Fail Train

Nobody is terribly active at this stage in the expansion, but people always need healing. :slight_smile:

Stressful? Why so?
If you see people in low content taking insane amount of avoidable damage its not your job to heal it out…
You actually harm them if you do, you see if they keep on dying in the same mechanic they will learn to avoid it.

If a healer heals only what it supposed to heal, its not a stressful job but for sure it demands eyes wide open and control.

Better start healing with a spec like Holy priest as its super easy to play or maintain Hpala as its easy and by far the most wanted.

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