What is my trust level?

in summery it says my trust level is Member. what does it mean ?

See: The Ultimate Forum Guide (Codes, Trust Levels, FAQ)

I think Member is Trust Level 2

Once you hit 3, you get to post gifs

i tested images and it said i cant so i know im not 3.

is there a way to know my “progress” ?

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If you participate on the forums it will someday just be 3 by itself as long as you don’t get banned and such things. :slight_smile: see the requirements in the thread I linked

i read it already. but it still doesnt say what member is and how to see where im standing.

The only real way to see is to look at the stats on your profile.

You look to need to give out a few more likes and read a lot more posts.

They really should add in a better way to see it but that’s all we have to go on I’m afraid.


This is probably a lie… It requires you to actively do ‘nonsense’ to maintain. Just being active on forums is not it.

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What was it like 20k posts read and 60 days active or something ? and then you lose it in a month.

All that for a gif, yeah i’ll pass on that. got it once and defiantly not planning on “working” towards it again

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And the problem with it for me it goes for numbers instead quality and I do not even know what ‘number’ i have failed because I am quite certain that all those ‘fakes’ in that linked green post are met.

But I am not going to spam forums separately for it either nor spamming ‘likes’ on posts I do not like. Overall i dislike this ‘like’ culture in social media anyway.


Like me dammit.


is it ‘you too’ or ‘press that ‘like’ now’ ?

Fine I ‘like’ you! In case !


‘‘press that’’.

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Somehow I went from level 3 down to level 2 in the past few days.
I’m intrigued to find out why, as I’ve never been banned.

Did your forum activity drop?

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3 days ago I posted a link, since then I’ve visited daily & commented on posts.
Only thing i haven’t done is like a post, it seems drastic that not liking posts can drop your level.
edit: No likes given in 21 days … probably that

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  • Read 20,000 Posts created in the last 100 Days

who in the blue hell can do that ? are there even 20k posts made in 100 days (200 a day)?

Oh boi, you’ve never seen the Argent Dawn forums have you?

Can be 500+ a day in certain threads.


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