What is the class ability you miss, that you once had?

Clearly I never used that one :laughing:

That was my default. I learned the fights and always had 3 points up whenever I had to move.


These memories make me sad for what we have now.

I loved the judgement one. Until we were running back from a wipe and my guildies would purposely kill all the critters on the way back so I couldn’t speed boost :rofl:



But yeah could do with them talents and functionality glyphs back.

Remember when glyphs altered spells?

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Yes!!! I miss that so much.

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I second this!

I know it’s not entirely in line with the OP-question but, I can’t just pick one ability here.

A modern version of RSV back for Hunters(NOT as a replacement to existing specs).

It’s sad that such an approach/theme to how one can focus on the use of a ranged weapon(specifically, the ammunition or arrows used), and how the potential something like this has for the modern game with a focus on individual specs, how this could just be dropped entirely.

I really hoped that they would’ve embraced Glyphs as a system where we could freely pick any sort of effects/additions to our baseline abilities and/or talents to better suit PvE(raids/M+/world) or PvP(BGs/Arena/world) etc.

All such effects and minor additions could not be there baseline, but this would still allow for players to pick whatever they want, no matter the type of content(like with PvP talents and such).


I want enemies caught in my Tar Trap to be rooted for X seconds.
There’s a glyph for that.

I want to get a free charge of Black Arrow back instantly if this debuff is ever dispelled or otherwise removed(prior to expiring) from an enemy target.
There’s a glyph for that.

Aaand so on…

These are the kind of situational bonuses/effects that aren’t useful for all types of content(usefulness varies).

Something like the old Glyph-system would be/was perfect for this.

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It wouldn’t been that bad if they didn’t split most of the abilities into 3 of our trees, making them talents and while on top of it even removing more.

To much and the spellbook nowadays feel like thin water.

Unholy Presence (+10 % Movement Speed :joy:)
Army of the Dead (Frost/Blood)

I truly miss old (cataclysm) Windfury Weapon on enha shamans, it was best thing about that spec.

death siphon with my dk

one of the greatest abilities this game has ever had

For me it’s not so much any singular ability, but lots of little things that they’ve ripped out. Classes right now are so incredibly boring to play, and it’s not because they simply removed warrior’s shattering throw, paladin auras or shaman totems. There’s a lot more to it.

What i would like though is more freedom when it comes to builds for the same spec. I really liked having the option to play a frost death knight with a 2-hander for example but blizzard decided to force dual-wielding upon me so i quit playing the character. Same with shamans, i miss enhancement with a big mace.

I’d like it if they stopped forcing us to play every spec in a very specific way. Give us the freedom to experiment and try out different things. But i assume they chose to limit our freedom since they have no faith in their players. I mean, they didn’t put in any PVP gear appearance vendors for the previous season’s PVP gear in BfA because they think the players are too stupid to figure out a vendor, let alone find it.

Even though I can still kind of use it but it’s dead and not usable in PVE, Death from above, gouge (for sub), anticipation and hemorrahge

I miss long arm of justice so much XD
Was so nice to have even for farming old content :smiley:

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I miss the buff from “Horn of Winter”. I loved how in old times, more you had different classes represented in your raid, more they brought something on the table. I mean yesterday I was in raid only DK, only thing I brought to table was damage, but that is something that every dps is bringing.

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We were gonna get it… was called ‘‘Lothar’s Blade’’, then changed to ‘‘Turalyon’s Blade’’, and it threw a sword at a location and you teleported to it when you used it again (Like Tyraels ability in Heroes of the Storm).

Instead we got Divine Steed.

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This breaks my heart…
That sounds awesome instead of this lazy mount…

Actually, my mistake, it was a talent and worked differently.


I still want it.

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I miss my 4 proper wotlk era buffs. Class-wide.

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Mark of the Wild.

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Carrion Swarm and demonic leap.