What is the Official Ruleset for RP Servers?

well as the title already says I’d actually like to switch to an RP Realm.I’d like to try to immerse myself into Wow so my question is what RULES are there? the only thing I came across on google was something about a naming policy but I already saw multiple names that would break this rule on my short trip to Argent Dawn. So Could someone please tell me what Official Rules there are? Thank you guys.

Have a setting appopriate name (so name your orc, as you’ve done, Kelga instead of xxdeathslayerxx), use /s and /y appropriately and not for out of character chatter, etc.

None of these rules are very much enforced, in fact, I’m pretty sure the page containing said rules might not even exist anymore, though don’t take my word on that 100%


I think the naming rules are fairly loose now, although correct me if I’m wrong. It helps to have an addon to name your character as you please along with giving any other information on how your character may appear now anyway, so other players know!

TRP3 is what I use, there are others such as MRP and XRP!

I think what most of us ask for is common decency when it comes to being on the realm, it is still implemented in the rule settings too as far as I believe. Do not purposely go out of your way to harass other roleplayers and ruin their experience of the game.


Another rule is, Seperate IC from OOC. Never bring OOC (Out Of Character) into IC (In Character)


Generally don’t disrupt other people’s RP.

Name rules are slacking. Generally don’t OOC in /s and /y unless in a heavy OOC area without RPers (such as anywhere but a populated area) etc etc.


I’d highly encourage you to read through that! Guide to roleplay for newcomers
A well-written guide that covers the very basics.


For the record, people who blatantly break the naming policy should still be reported. We don’t like the Rogueqtxd types either.


As of now the official rule only applies to naming, while RPers use TRP3 now a days and being reported while be quite less likely, please stick to this rule.

Does this mean OOC Spam is permitted?
Yes and no.

It is when you are spamming /s /y /e with ooc stuff to an extend that the chat becomes unreadable, this is a form of griefing, as well as disrupting events on purpose.
(Code of Conduct)

A few loose ooc lines however, blizzard thinks we can handle that ourself, and this also the reason it isn’t enforced that much or not even at all, since i don’t have numbers, i can’t be 100% sure.
(RP server policy)

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Honestly? There’s no real rules but there are a few guide-lines that the role-playing community itself prefer that people follow. You’re under no obligation to do so, but it will be easier for people to approach/play with you if you do. Check out one of the many role-playing guides on the forums.

All of the above has covered the majority of things, so I’ll just chime in and say you have a good orc name

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To be fair it is an excellent name.

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First off Kelga, good question and I hope you end up switching to Argent Dawn or another RP realm. Welcome to the community. :smiley:

The following is not a rule but a very common misconception among new RPers who’ve read the ol’ guides…

You don’t have to be IC (in character) all the time.

All major RP addons have a toggle to flag yourself as IC or OOC. Most RPers divide their time between RP and non-RP:

  • They talk, emote, and do stuff in RP by interacting with other characters, without any PvE or PvP going on at the same time.
  • They participate in PvE or PvP without roleplaying through the content, not any different from regular players on regular realms.
    Note: Some players enjoy RPing through quest lines in a small group of friends, or simply engage other questers in RP - this can be fun, too.

But still it’s rare to see people RP while doing actual content like raids and dungeons. Although that does happen, it’s far from the standard.

The overwhelming majority of RP takes place through talking, emoting, and walking, running & sitting and so forth – no mob slaying or spell-casting involved. Combat and adventures are generally done during DM events, which are rooted in Dungeons & Dragons style gameplay. They revolve around actions from players and DMs, /rolls, terrain features, raid warning descriptions, and raid markers (to indicate placement).

I hope this helps someone.

If you’ve more questions or get curious about any other aspect of the server or RP itself, by all means, ask. :slightly_smiling_face:


Kill the living. Follow this rule and you will do just fine.

Also, do not interrupt people who are very clearly RPing. Unless it’s like 3am on Christmas morning, intentionally trolling RP doesn’t fly, and even then it’s risky.

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Hello Guys, thanks for all the friendly replies compliments and tips !. I decided to use my BFA boost for a Mag har Rogue I think I’ll try to Rp as Laughing Skull my favorite clan (my 2nd favorite faction after the Scarlet Crusade) is it easy to find Communities that are focused on “Clan” RP and do all kinds of stuff? I saw like 2 Threads, the 1st was a Guild listing and the 2nd was a Community listing but I think that’s a bit too anonymous thanks again for all the replies.

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you’re probably best off finding one through RP

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