What is your least favorite race?

The Americas Cup. I hate sailing.


Ateast with the times we agree on a little something, it’s a start … !

Undead or anything related even I’m a decayed knight of the death terminator woop woop they get me nervous real quick.

Nelf Males are more Undead than the real Undead. Parts of their body are dead and that casting animation is absolutely terrible to watch.

Nothing tilts me more than male blood elf :rofl: followed by male night elf , basically all male elves.

It’s a hard question as I don’t think given the time and opportunity, I would refuse to play any kind of race in the game.

However looking at my level 120 rooster from both accounts:

  • I have in this account 1 Troll, 1 Orc, 1 Forsaken, 1 Goblin and 6 BEs.
  • In my UK account I have 1 BE and 1 Human.

Sadly my answer is: I have a hard time leveling races with fur, like Tauren and Pandaren.
Probably the same reason I am having a hard time leveling my Shaman and Druid. (They can turn in to animals) :frowning_face:

I will exclude Allied races as I don’t have them unlocked.


Gnomes, specially the ones who wear diapers instead of pants.

all but orcs and humans

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Forum Trolls.


Saw an interesting post on reddit to defend those who play the human race in wow.

Fantasy is a modern evolution of mythology made into an explicitly fictional setting. Tolkien, credited as the father of modern fantasy, based his works off several different mythologies, such as the Christian, Celtic, and Norse mythologies, all of which either feature humans, or gods described in the image of humanity. As fantasy has evolved, that central trope has remained a staple.

In Warcraft specifically, the humans play such an important role not just because we can relate to them, but because they were the first of two chief races in a standard “Man vs. Monster” story. They also provide a base for which other races can compare. The dwarves are especially good craftsmen, while humans are just decent. The elves are superior archers and rangers, while the humans are mostly inferior save a few exceptions.

The final role of humans is their role as the fantasy underdog, and the power of willpower. The humans, by all means are a biologically, technologically, and mystically inferior species. They do not posses the strength of the orcs, the mechanical skill of the dwarves and gnomes, nor do they posses the natural aptitude for magic like that of the elves. They live fractions of the lives that their allies and cousins live, and though they are resilient, they are so fragile. Vol’jin, when placed into the body of a human in a dream, remarks at how fragile, weak and slow he felt. Yet despite this, humanity has spread larger than any other race, raising seven kingdoms, one of which is now the most powerful capital of mages in the entire world. They form the bulk of the Alliance, fighting massive orcs, trolls and tauren, fending off legions of the walking dead, and standing against the naturally gifted blood elves and the incredibly destructive goblins. They are torn asunder but they refuse to fall. Humanity has blessed Azeroth with some of the greatest heroes and damned it with some of the most sinister villains. Their refusal to back down and their endless strive forward where other races grow complacent is what makes them so important, and cements their role in fantasy.

To play a human is not to simply play something representative of yourself. It is to play the underdog, the everyman, the nobody. The nobody who stands against monsters and demons far greater in strength and power. To play a human is to face these monsters head on, knowing they are greater, knowing they are stronger, and still refusing to back down."

The least interesting race to me are vulpera, not that I dislike them, just others seems to be more intresting.


Goblins I just cant get used to them but I really want one .

Anything that can’t be a paladin :laughing:


All the ones that aren’t cute.

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Humans. They are the no frills brand of WoW races. Want to be as generic and boring as possible? Pick a human.


Nope, Darkspears stays because they’re the ones doing the “axing”. And it’s Cappoeira battle dance not “weird dance with all weird animations”.

And my troll is total stud compared to nightbrone guys. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Gnomes as always lol

Anyone of them that’s not Forsaken.

Bold statement for someone who’s the main dish at humans’ fast foods.

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me too but i got no space. :sob:

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tauren are friends not food.


Any, be it runing, f1, nascar, tour de france… Idk, im not a big fan of races in general, especialy if i have to be involved.