What is your most favourite boss in Wow?

Personal favourite as a healer is Anubarak in toc, 2nd place guldan 3rd kj in tos.and honorable mention is maut in nyalotha.

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My personal favourite is Imperator Mar’gok from Highmaul. Granted, I only pugged Heroic, but I played Hunter then and often was assigned the hunter mechanics, so there was lots for me to do + I loved how the room started filling up with the circles.

I also liked the way harder difficulties had multiple effects, so you had lots to watch out for and do, it was a really fun (and lengthy!) fight. I felt really accomplished on my first Heroic kill there.

Lich King
10 char

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Kalecgos from Sunwell is the boss I have both the fondest memories and frustrating memories of because my guild and I at the time spent a month straight wiping on it until we finally got the kill. It was the first time I ever experienced really being stuck on a boss for weeks on end but it was all so worth it when it finally died. And then died on the first pull the week after.

Raid boss
 probably Ragnaros, just because he was the first real raid boss we ever defeated. The cheers in Ventrillo were awesome.
On a bit more personal level; Onyxia. As far as I can remember the first time we defeated her, I was first on dps and so happy to get her down.

Lei Shen Heroic, that was a blast.

Blackhand, one of the few bosses that really feels like taking down the king of the castle, aside from the literal king of the castle arthas

King Mechagon.

10 man Thaddius in Wotlk Naxx.

I never ever had so much fun solohealing in WoW as a holy paladin ever since.

Omnitron def. System on HC was the most fun raid encounter ever.

Hodir was fun too

I love your name, no jokes xD

Other boss i like is Star Augur Etraeus . Only for the environment you fight him in :>

For me it has to be Kel’Thuzad in Naxxramas ( WOTLK Version )
we was on progression and we got to this guy

our off tank fell asleep at the keyboard and died so the main tank had to taunt the beatles

There was me spam healing main tank as the debauff started stacking hard the cheers when we killed him despite this was epic :slight_smile:

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The dark iron lady who says retribution for the fallen in an accent I luv

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Damn the longer I think about it the harder it is to pick one.
I’m gonna go with my initial thought. Mythic Xhul’horac while playing my mage. Mages had a lot of responsibilities in HFC and I was loving it. There was just no way mages would be benched with Prophecy of Fear and almost immunity on invis (breaking chains on xhul’horac etc)

I would say not just one boss but a whole raid, Naxxramas 40. It had a perfect variety of boss mechanics and some were easier, some were more difficult.

The raid was the pinnacle of skill at the time when people weren’t as experienced at online games like WoW and when a good player got more rewarded and could differentiate themselves from a less skilled player. That is what made WoW a better game than today.

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