What it feels like coming back to BfA 8.3 since quitting in 8.0

but if they designed the game around the idea of people quitting for a year and a half what would be the reason for people playing in the first place. it shouldnt be difficult to catch up on gear level if you get some nazjatar stuff done and work through to the cloak, picking up gear along the way should get you easily clear of 400 item level

Did same but i don’t qq about not having chance to catch up. I just do what i like and enjoy game :3

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No it doesn’t. I still remember on my alt that it swapped to Nazjatar the moment I could go to it and then swapped to cloak the moment that was possible.

“Active” season. We’re at the end of the active season, at a point where in other scenarios, we’d be hitting pre-patch real soon. In Legion at this point there was a massive catch-up for your artifact weapons already. Heart of Azeroth is a massive catch-up mechanic. Mythic Raiding competition is long over. M+30 has been completed. This season is pretty much over, time to have fun rather than play it like it’s a job.

Very minor nerfs. Only easily obtainable if you’re on an alt, your main still has to get them, which is a massive problem for new players, or players returning from before 8.2 (or early 8.2).

World quests scale poorly with their ilvl. When you’re ~403, you get like 410 from world quests, which requires about 5~6 parts of 410 to get the next level rewards.

Normal and heroic dungeons give poor item levels, it’s quicker to try and get the 410 items from bosses in assaults.

Let’s say that at this point of the patch, we need to just be able to have fun. 8.3 was Dead on Arrival, it had so little content that .5 patches in the past have provided more. If you want people to start playing WoW again, you’re not going to keep them by forcing them to do content that’s 6+ months old, just so they can crawl to end-game.

You can do TW right now yes, but that’s not always the case. Even then you’re going to be stuck with low level weapons unless you’re very lucky. I’ve done ~20 TW runs the past 2 weeks and haven’t had a single weapon drop.

400 boes? That’s a lot of gold, especially new players won’t have that.

That is true. But for me it pointed me to the war campaign back when I was new. But nowhere did it say that I had to complete this to get to the legendary cloak at the end.

It points you to the right quests, but you have to know that you need these quests in the first place.

You can just buy a weapon from the TW vendor for 25 marks or so.


The more you know

Can imagine (new) players not knowing about this if I don’t even know :sweat_smile:


He is right.

Imagine being a new player that just started or a veteran coming back from a long pause: the experience is as nice as a colonoscopy done with the hubble telescope. A horribly long grind aggravated by being way underpowered than everyone else.

Considering that wow is struggling everyday to keep players in, turning away new ones isn’t that great of an idea.


how is that a lot of gold? these items sell for 1-3k gold. you can get 10k by soloing hfc three times (normal hc mythic in the same week with same toon)

NYA boes are the expensive ones. even simple 445 stuff.

Assuming new players know this, and returning players want to do this (vs all the things they still have to do to catch up).

It sucks, back in the days of vanilla to wotlk you come back do dungeons into raids into harder raids with justice badges at your disposal. Now it’s system upon uninteresting system to catch up on so you can do the above.

It should be classes interesting/great from the start of xpac with no borrowed power systems, put it all into the talent trees. Then the progression should be normals to heroics to mythics to m+ and raids. With pvp being seperate with a vendor and never the two should meet.


The point of playing an expansion should not be to gain power that can not be matched by people that want to join at a later date in the expansion, should it? In my opinion, the point of playing should be to have fun.

BfA excludes people who join late from the fun of endgame, because the catch-up is ridiculously tedious, time gated and necesitates hours upon hours of non-challenging repetitive gameplay.

I did a lot of M+ in 8.0 and 8.1 and some M+ in 8.2, and some heroic and mythic raiding in 8.1 and 8.2, and I share OPs feelings regarding catch-up. I want to get back to doing 15-20 keys, badly, but I can not get myself through the ludicrus grind for corruption. The grind is not made easier by how utterly terrible I find the whole corruption system to be (and the azerite system, and the essence system).

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I’ve taken a million breaks, have no idea what I’m doing and my hunter is 450ilvl and can do 55k dps without issue.

You’re full of it.

Right on again Mister. Screw that and shadowland, money in the matrice with some game designer like those for that price or ten bucks more i get an awesome steam game just as an example.

40 euros for squat , a few gross green and other make up otpions swtor esque, no class, no new race, no balance, service minimum and a sh*t story, ah yeah i could get a few talents that they removed at the previous one!

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So I was in the same situation as you but it took me like a day or 2 to hit 430 ilevel from 370 as the catch ups are pretty damn easy with nazjatar and heroic dungeons and the constant timewalking right now.

I have had Pathfinder for about 3-4 days now and I dont blame anyone for my lack of gear or anything because it was my choice to play classic and essentially skip the entire expansion.

If you dont want to bother catching up you could just focus on knocking out some easy 120s whilst there is the xp boost and time walkings constantly going on.

If your complaint is that you should be able to skip an entire expansion then jump back in like nothing happened then I think your crazy or just lazy.

It is going to be quite a slog to catch up to all the essences and corruptions now that we are so far on in the expansion after such a long break.

You are probably better off just taking a break or doing stuff that doesn’t have high gear requirements, unless you really don’t mind the grind. Corruption will be removed with prepatch.


You’re trying to come back to an expansion that is over, mate. Why would you even try to catch up at the expansion’s end? The race is over and you just showed up and complain you don’t have a competitive chance? Come on. Blizzard is holding random events now to help people with old reps, get some mounts some timewarped badges. That’s what it is about - just waiting for Shadowlands. Personally, I’m not even leveling alts right now, because I’m waiting for the Shadowlands leveling to come in the prepatch.

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It took me exactly a month from starting from 0 to killing HC n’zoth first time.
3 weeks later and i’m already parsing blue. If you want to play the game - you can.
I don’t consider that “a lot of time”. Visions is the only thing that was taxing to do, at least until elite extermination.

Yeah, i probably won’t be able to clear mythic (OR WILL I?), but i don’t understand where the entitlement comes from. If you played less than “them”, it’s only natural to be behind.

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All you have to do is catch - up 8.3 content (maybe some of 8.2 with essences).
Nothing major, obtainable. Sure I’d love to be able to farm reps and stuff like in the days of olde but regardless it’s too easy to catch up.
A guildie hit 120 a week ago and he’s already running M+15 on that character.

It’s actually amazing how Blizzard made it at the same time too easy and too hard (according to OP) to catch up.

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So im about a week in from coming back from classic at this point and just logged off at 438 and I have been slacking hard whilst doing Tmog runs and other general nonsense and I can honestly say the 8.3 catch ups are good enough to get involved in current content considering the fact its taken me a week to finish off flying and go from 370 to almost 440 Ilevel and havinga level 82 neck with a rank 5 cloak.

It really isn’t hard so I wouldnt discourage players who want to come back now from doing so.