What will Azeroth look like after SL?

Unless we are delving deep into wishful thinking territory, we have to keep in mind how many zones Blizz will realistically implement and what they plan to do with them. Should we get a revamp and not venture to a new place like Dragon Isles, there still is the issue of EK and Kalimdor having a ton of zones. Unless they plan to revamp the entire leveling experience, its questionable that we will get to see all those zones remade for high end activity. If we take zone-heavy expansions like Wotlk, we are at best talking about 7 or 8 new zones. Thats not even half of a single continent covered.

For these zones I think many of us would be happy with mere superficial updates concerning dialogues and NPCs, maybe with a few of them displaced, removed or added. That alone would infuse the continents with a little life and be coherent with recent Azerothian lore events

Not sure if the number of zones is the big issue here. The optical remake doesn’t have to be that grand, and they can use most of the map that’s already there, like they did in Uldum and the Vale, and I feel that should be easier than creating them wholly new. And of course they couldn’t put as much maxlvl content in one of 20 zones as tey can put in one of 5, but they certainly can spread out that content over the whole world. We might not have a deep-dive into each zone, but we don’t need it, we know the place. And more can always be added later. And since they usually did their revamps by creating new phases, and we have Chromie time, this doesn’t have to affect the leveling experience at all, if they don’t have the time to revamp that.

Apart from that… I really have no idea how much content they could actually do, if they cut more of their red tape, and stopped throwing out projects midway. What I am seeing is that the amount of content they were able to put out within a 2-year-window certainly wasn’t the same each expansion. And while they might have wasted tons of time on things like repairing their gameplay systems, you cannot tell me that this took most of the time from the graphics and zone design guys. I just don’t think the amount of content they were able to put out in WoD or SL should ever be our baseline. We should expect - and demand - more than that.

They’ve already managed to do a world revamp, on top of 5 zones, in Cataclysm. And for the most part that’s some of the best zones the game has ever seen before or since. That’s what they could achieve, when they put their back into it. So updating some textures and touching up static assets shouldn’t really be considered that unrealistic and the TBC era zones do kind of need it, even tho it’s no longer a mandatory part of leveling(thank god).

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The towns and places that have been attacked by the Scourge will probably be destroyed. Won’t say which if you havent done the Kyrian campaign but if you have then you know.

I guess they will have attacked more places so a bunch of small towns and areas will probably be destroyed/in ruins and some just roaming around in the area.

I guess that the Horde and Alliance will be at war AGAIN because Turalyon doesn’t like the Horde. And as you said the consequences of BFA, them rebuilding alot that was destroyed. Maybe an ongoing rebuilding of Lordaeron.

Darkshore and Ashenvale (the Night Elven areas in northern Kalimdor) will probably be Horde controlled now with Horde soldiers roaming around or just everything destroyed and no Night Elves people-.

I’d like to see Azeroth in Pain. I mean that we should lose to Zovaal and he change our land and we will have to come back to Azeroth that we would never know. I mean he’ll turn whole universe back in time and maybe we’ll see for the first time “Pangea” of Azeroth? I will be glad if they took something like this. :slight_smile:

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