What would you do with the above poster? #19

Shalim approches the warlock from behind and whispers in her ear.
“You should have let her eat it whole, she would have learn to not steal and check what she is eating”
He then turns to goblin, who started to investigate the rest of the donut
“You are lucky that there are still warlocks with sense of empathy. You eated only half of it, so you may be able to handle the mana that is flowing through it.”
Shalim looks again at goblin
“Oh, you actually have little stomach.”
He again turns to warlock
“This will be interesting to watch. Let us place some bets maybe?”

The Nightborne looks up from her grimoire

“Oh my, it seems one of the Fel-mage’s imp got loose and stealing mana cookies! Be a good lad, Demon Hunter, and help it back to the Twisting Nether with your glaive… or consume it, whatever you prefer”

Thyrellas smiles to Shalim and points to the goblin

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Consider pointing out the difference between Imps and Goblins… Decide not to. Watch the show while chatting amiably with the Nightborne.

Mouths the word ‘eated’, blinking several times. “that’s nae 'ow words work,” he mutters.

peers at the Draenei

“Lad, ah know t’ other two suffer from mild brain damage, at best… but ah expect more from one o’ ye lot. That there is a Goblin. An’ annoyin’ wee bucket o’ swilled cabbage tae be sure. But it’s nae, ah said -nae- an imp.”

proceeds to hold up a picture of an imp, alongside a picture of a Goblin.

“Nae a damn imp.”

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Ask the dwarf where he got the picture of my imp?

Suggest that the imp could be spying on him.

Drops her half finished doughnut and sprints for the exit. Kaldorei and undead scourge-spawn? It’s two of the worst possible things all in one and being anywhere near such a thing is unimaginable! The better part of valour is discretion, after all.

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Calmly follow marinya and ask her if she too is part of the dreadscare black harvest group?
And if so ask her how are her studies going.

Curiously ask as to the current state of the Black Harvest, or if the group’s members/leaders have been captured/enslaved/murdered/devoured/beaten/dominated by the very demons they sought to control… again.

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He rubs the bridge of his nose with an anoyed growl
Then after a sigh, just nods to the Ren’dorei girl’s question and listens to the answer she waits

Waits for their chat to end and the group of warlocks to leave the area before inspecting the place they stood at, gathering anything they might have dropped and throws it into her pile.

Politly answers his fellow seekers of knowledge.
The dreadscare seem to be well under control.
With the netherlord missing there was some arguement on who would would replace it but for the most part the council kept things in check.
There was a minnor demon rebelion but we crushed that.
I believe it was the shortest rebelion in history as it lasted exactly 5 seconds before we enslaved the rebels to our will again.

looks behind him

I think that troll is up to something.

Comment on the humans ability to notice things.

It’s not a flattering comment.

Comment on the orc’s ability to notice things.

‘‘Are you aware that some of Yrel’s Army of the Light may have followed you here?’’ she asks with an unusual smirk, for a Lightforged.

A look of fear shows on the warlock face as he quickly looks around
Are there more of your kind around lighbound?
Puts his hand’s on his heartstone

Peers at the Draenei with a raised eyebrow.

As I am not from there, that seems excessively unlikely.

(skip me)

In a blur of moving shadow, Talraea snatches the hearthstone and retreats out of felhound-pouncing distance. She flips it in the air with a grin. “Are there? Well, wouldn’t that be a shame. Guess you’ll have to prove you’re not just the kind of power-hungry maniac they specialize in killing.” She glances over the horizon. “I’d start by getting really humble, and finding something really evil to kill.”

“Ya need dat dere rock?”

Kalu’cha’s walks over with a sack over her shoulder, behind her the streets are being cleaned up by saurids while she holds her hand out towards Talraea with a smile.

“I dunno if ya needin’ it, but if not then I not mind it for me rock collection, de pattern be real pretty ya know?”

The Void Elf looks from the Zandalari to the Human, then back again. She grins broadly and flips the rock in Kalucha’s direction. “Sure thing. Give Jani my regards.”

(Skip me!)

Velyrina calmly walks towards both Talraea and Kalucha, her eyes moving from the hearthstone in the void elf’s hand and the sack on the troll’s shoulder.
“Well.” She says in a smooth voice. “I’d say you’re both thieves.” She smiles a little ironically as shadowy tendrils begin to crawl up both of their legs to keep them in place so the owner of the hearthstone might get a chance to get his stone back.