What would you do with the above poster? #19

Vulpera can be resourceful workers. Could find employment.

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Iā€™d resurrect Lochton, along with the entire thread. I donā€™t know what Lochton did, but heā€™s probably the one who got everybody killed.

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Commit grievous war crimes on his people before deciding i feel really bad about for a bit then do it again to another group whilst he watches.

You know, orc things.

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opens a voidrift and yeets Furiorc

NO, we are not going through this for a third time!

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Use the power of light and watch out for massdispel :smiley:

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Put on sunglasses and have a romantic tour of Tanaris on my chopper , killing Silithid to extract their brains for evil concoctions .

glare at the degenerate offspring of the vrykul, infected by the curse of flesh, cast a bloodboil on him, and laugh deeply while he was screaming and writhing in pain, dying.

Nothing personal, sir, but I believe it is better for profit if you were to disappear. Death Knights do not sell well, nor do many enjoy their presence.

(No hate)

Stands silently next to him, staring him down with a single demonic eye.

What are you, a goblin?

I could sell you off well as a snarky soul to my death knight friend.

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Pardon me, my good sir?

A Goblin? I know there are theories of myself being multiple Goblins in disguise, or that of a Dragon even. You members of society seem to have a rather vivid imagination.

As for your plan of approach. I am not quite sure that you would have any profit in that endeavour. Mostly due to the common fact that Death Knights do not keenly collect souls - unless you are in the option of attempting to create something of your own?

On the other hands, I am certain there are members in society that would be pleased, and sportsmanlike in handling members within your field of operations.

Either that, or I am certain that the Orcs would pay some silver for your pelt. Certainly, we will not receive many complaints about a missing Warlock.

Stared at him, drowsy and missing most of his babble.

Casts agony.

Sorry, IĀ“m bad at paying attention.

Iā€™d like to hire you and just point you in a general direction.

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