What's the deal with Soulbinds and Covenants

Why so many ppl complaining about this topic,
I can’t see where is the problem,
I’m pretty sure every class will be able to push m+15 without the bis covenant stuff
We still have the legendaries wich are the real deal.

Eh… I don’t really care for Min-Max’ing. I’m sure there’ll be a Feat of Strength to join them all on one Character; of course I’ll be doing that! :wink:

I really like the theme of Necrolords and I see them as amazing and I love their theme.
But I will have to play Venthyr since I am a dk with 0 mobility and I will be getting an instant teleport on a 1 minute cd and this will help me to push higher arena rating and be better in pve.
I am a very survivable class and I do not need the aditional shield. The only reason for me to play Necroes is if there is at least a flat 10% dmg boost.

So basically I will be an emo vampire and I hate the theme of the covenant and everything behind it but I will suck it up and just not enjoy the game as much and stop playing once I kill the boss I want and reach the rating I want.
So basically my fun will be much less because they want my choice to matter where basically they take away my choice and lock me into a covenant. Well thank you blizzard for screwing me yet again.

Obviously every class can push m+15.
But it depends who you play with
Having the wrong convenant could put you in the same category as for example Arcane mages or Feral druids for M+ groups with randoms. Not something desired one.

I’m mostly playing with my guild and don’t belong to top1% or whatever, so I can choose Necro with my druid without any regrets :grin:

But what about +29? Pre-nerf mythic raiding?

Even if I’ve been yapping how people should let Blizz at least try them during beta, the complaints of the very top end are completely legitimate. For me it all hangs in how switching back to a covenant will be handled.

Ion already said if you leave a covenant, your progress will be saved for when you come back, which is already good.

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Lots of people PvP, lots of people mythic raid. People will want what’s best. We will have constant rebalances, so its impossbile to avoid getting punished by the system. But even regardless of that, people like minmaxing. People like pushing their characters and themselves to the limit.

One covenant has teleport. If it will allow for a noticeable skip here and there if everyone has it then it can be impactful. Aside of that the soulbinds can be powerful as well, they started removing OP ones but still some remain. Like Venthyr had a cheat death soulbind which could do nuts to cheese raid mechanics or as a big failsafe in M+. Now only Night Fae have one in limited version :wink: And there will be conduits. Like it’s asking for numerical nightmare.

Plus being able to do +15 isn’t the same thing as being desired. If you can’t bring the MDI meta ability to a +2 or other cheesy covenant abilities you will be less desired/not invited to PUGs, a.k.a the resto druid syndrome.

Plus many classes didn’t changed that much, like Rsham, Hpriest (and Disc Priest?) weren’t that much improved to be more appealing for M+ and so on.

I have a funny feeling best legendary memories for PvE will drop from PvP and best PvP ones will drop from M+ or raids… and/or they will add RNG to the memories drop.

And the conduits. The move text they add to them the more of a nightmare it will become to get the right ones… and RIP if you can’t make a separate talent paths for your toon needs and would have to replace conduits for noticeable better performance.

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Soul binds = Some form a artifact that needs some stuff to be farmed endlessly.
Covenants = Some long rep grind.

Not really. It has a weekly cap so it’s more of a time gate rather than a farm.

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Whatever from it takes it means just another thing that will make half the community happy and the other half very unhappy.

Because by locking yourself to a choice, you become sub optimal at other activities.

People play the meta.

I am sure they will too, but there are higher keys and other activities apart from M+. Therein lies the problem, what if you want to do something else, then the system punishes you for it.

Those are indeed beginning to take shape into something enjoyable.

But the problem is that a big part of the community has lost trust in the developers to create these systems. Because they have all failed in the past.

  • Legion Legendaries
  • Artifact weapon catch ups
  • Netherlight crucible
  • Artifact power
  • Azerite power
  • Azerite gear
  • Essences
  • Corruption
  • Titan/war forging
  • Legendary cloak

None of these systems has worked in favor of the average player and have been punishing the player one way or the other.

In the end it comes down to balance and that’s a hard reality that players will have to face.

You may like a covenant and look forward to it, but depending on what activity you wish to do from one week to the next, you will be punished for not sticking with it and forced to do repetitive grind if you switch.

Some are saying that they don’t care about the meta or min/max values, but at least acknowledge that a large section of players actually do.

the endless farming does not feel like you are actually playing the game… it just results into work and work…what is the problem with login in and just playing what you like pvp/pve?

now it just feels like an endless farm before you get to do what you like!

Too many systems tied into one choice at the very start of the expansion.

Not to mention that most who have followed WoW for a while now KNOW that they are going to “fix” it near the end of the expansions.

They said that they are ready to scrap the whole system if the system fails so I’m not too worried about it.

From my perspective it has already failed and should be scrapped. I wouldn’t mind if they delayed the expac for six months and made a new system.

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I will join the worst one. Don’t want to play around hundreds of ppl in the popular hub. Rather have crap covenant and stuff than be crowded.

Because Blizzard have convinced themselves that they need to make the game a certain way that it’s never been before and they are going to do things that will make the game worse in order to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.

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